Friday, December 26, 2014

Mary draws its strength from being in the presence of God – Niedzela

2014-12-25 20:25

[Fig. Peter Słomski]

On the eve of Christmas Eve Mary Wagner, a Canadian defender of life once again been arrested for violation of probation and disrupt economic activity of one of the abortion clinics in Toronto. A few words of reflection asked Przemyslaw Sycz, Polish pro-life activist, who along with Jack Kotula, also stood trial for organizing pickets in defense of unborn children and accompanied by Mary Wagner during her visit to Poland.

– I’m very proud of Mary, but what happened is sad. That very quickly come back into the clinic, where he kills the unborn child in August, I was sure. Just get to know her a little while to personally experience the great zeal with which takes the side of vulnerable children. I had the opportunity to find out about it, accompanying her while on Podkarpaciu – Przemyslaw Sycz said and added that “the testimony of Mary touched thousands of hearts. This is evident so far and I think it will be a long time to bear fruit. “

” Mary draws its strength from being in the presence of God – he spends a lot of time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament “- continued the party. – When we talked about our process, has repeatedly said that you can not go to any compromise. Her testimony – that was with us

in the court praying before the courtroom was for us tremendous support and encouragement to an even greater effort to be the voice of those who themselves can not defend themselves – share with us Polish defender of life and emphasized that “doing nothing in defense of these children or deception that the problem will resolve itself is a real acquiescence or worse, killing participation in the infringement.” – Yes killing, because if he did not call this “service”, nothing will change the fact that abortion is killing! – Przemyslaw Sycz stressed.

– We pray for Mary to promptly regained her freedom, but also do not forget that her testimony is needed also in prison, where they are women who have had abortions. What Mary herself had told us about. We will also support it, it is sending letters and cards – Przemyslaw Sycz summed up.

 The next hearing in the process of Jacek Kotula and Przemysław Sycz Foundation Pro – Right to Life, indicted for organizing anti-abortion picketing will take place on 20 January 2015. in the chair. 9.00.

Divisions: Society,

Tags: Mary Wagner,


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