Monday, December 15, 2014

Difficult access to pornography on the net? The Parliament decides – News 24

You can soon access to pornographic websites on the internet will be much more difficult.

 / Fig. Fig. bettyx1138 (CC BY 2.0) flickr 66 percent. middle school students and 54 percent. students come into contact with pornography before the completion of 12 years. Two-thirds of teens come into contact with it on the internet. This is the result of research of the Institute of Integrated Prevention – gives

The matter of the parliamentary committee was interested in administration and digitization, and the idea of ​​a draft resolution voted by Ms Beata Kempa, who wants to access to pornography on the web was much more

difficult. According to the election, in favor of the project were also politicians SLD, PSL and PO. Now, the resolution will be discussed by the Parliament.

If the resolution is voted, the Ministry of Administration and Digitization prepare legal instruments and technical foundation that will restrict access to pornography on the Internet. It will have 18 months.

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