Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Unusual discovery on Mars. However, there was a life? – Politics

But it does not have. Indeed, the finding is intriguing, and given that methane on Earth until at over 90 percent. derived from living organisms, it must be assumed that maybe encountered on the trail of a Martian organism that produces methane. Under earthly methane is mainly due to the anaerobic digestion of plant and to the process of metabolism in animals. Methane is a very valuable and very dangerous, because it is much greenhouse gas, hence the large farms breeding animals are considered harmful to the Earth’s climate.

However, in a Martian gas can also be formed by the action of cosmic radiation and electromagnetic (light) with dust posed by the meteorites or comets and reaching the surface of Mars. It may also be formed as a so-called. clathrates, or crystal – resembling ice – water structures and methane. These structures also exist on Earth, mainly in the eternal zmarzlinach, seas and oceans. They are formed either as a result of anaerobic fermentation or by volcanic activity. It is also possible that the cyclic emissions of methane on Mars may be the result of other, as yet unknown processes.

The methane in the Martian atmosphere is studied for a long time. Now, after 20 months of work, researchers have reported that although the general level of the Martian methane is about half lower than previously thought, however, Curiosity has detected that the gas concentration periodically rises high – as much as ten times, roughly once every 60 Martian days. This is considered by the rover crater Galo.

Scientists believe that if a living organism is responsible for this state of affairs, it must be something small, perhaps comparable to terrestrial organisms bacteria. Unfortunately, the presence of the rover does not detect organisms.

The case has caused an uproar, and, as NASA says, will be thoroughly investigated. For now, so you can talk about the mysterious phenomenon detected in a specific location on the surface of Mars. There is of course completely ruled out that the source might be something alive, but nothing more. I have often learned studying Mars reported the discovery of clear evidence of the existence of living organisms on the Red Planet, but the Crown evidence that life existed there, or even still exists, it is not.

On the other hand – if life beyond Earth had a chance to be born somewhere, it’s on Mars. More than three billion years ago, the planet was much warmer and much more humid than today. Lost as a result of these properties too weak gravity, which is not confirmed Martian atmosphere. However, since its inception – about 4.5 billion years ago – Mars had enough time to life could be born on it. If so, perhaps in a simple and robust forms survived or at least left a trace.


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