Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mars Is there still life? Curiosity discovered methane –

Author: Wojciech Zagaj

On Mars, life could exist. Curiosity rover American detected methane there. It is a gas that is produced from the decomposition of the remains of living organisms – informs scientific journal “Science”.

Curiosity led the research content of methane in the atmosphere of Mars since November last year. In one of the craters detected methane emission into the atmosphere. On Earth, at 95 percent. such cases, the gas is animal or vegetable origin.

Scientists do not exclude, however, that methane on Mars may be the result of geochemical

processes or come from other sources unknown to us.

The thing that speaks for the fact that there was life on Mars is the second discovery of Curiosity. In addition to the rover found methane deposits on the rocks typical of the water flowing past.

Curiosity is the largest and most modern jeep which has NASA. His mission on Mars will last at least until 2020.

Relations Wojciech Zagaje.


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