Friday, December 26, 2014

Paderewski arrived at Poznan station at 96 anniversary … – TVP

The creation of Greater was one of the few successful uprisings independence and started on December 27, 1918. Thanks to the lands were included Wielkopolski the forming of the Second Republic.

On Friday Poznan Summer Station entered the historic train pulled by a steam engine. Participated in the staging of several hundred people who cheers greeted the actor plays a role Paderewski, who greeted the assembly. Later passed before the station and gave a speech relating to the creation of the Second Republic and the liberation from the Polish partitions.

Check Paderewski ended with a concert of Christmas carols and patriotic songs performed by the Choir of Teachers Poznan them. Ignacy Paderewski, who organized the staging.

Wielkopolska Uprising broke out on 27 December 1918 in Poznan and was the largest uprising for independence in the partitions, ending victory

The head of the choir Richard Luczak recalled that the production took place for the 24th time – Every year there are more people. There comes a lot of young people and children with their parents and grandparents. Younger still do not understand the historical dimension of staging, because it is
difficult to understand complex events of those years. In time, they will keep reminding myself that they were here and interested in the history of creation – Luczak said.

Poznan remember – special events

On Saturday in Poznan at the Monument Multimodal will be major anniversary celebrations. After them, the procession passes through the city – on the route are places of memory of events from 96 years. The march will end with Holy Mass in the Parish Church of Poznan. December 27 at the Freedom Square and the streets of Poznan scheduled productions involving reconstruction groups.

Part of the celebrations will be held on December 28th Warsaw. After the Mass for the intention of the insurgents Wielkopolska ceremony will be held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Then the complex will be flowers on the graves of insurgents incumbent in the military cemetery.

Wielkopolska Uprising broke out on 27 December 1918 in Poznan and was the largest uprising for independence in the partitions, ending victory. Thanks to the people of Wielkopolska regained their freedom, and the lands were returned to Polish.


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