Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Kim Dotcom saved by Sony and Microsoft, and now he wants to dethrone … – Gadzeto Mania

Kim Dotcom knows how to maintain interest in themselves and their services. When a few days ago announced that cyber attacks stopped on the Sony and Microsoft, there seemed to be bluffing. It was not enough that I was able to confirm this information, it is Kim treated us to a new revelation – is going to launch a new, secure messaging. And with his usual modesty challenges for Skype.

Kim Dotcom saves Xbox Live and PlayStation Network

End 2014 years without a doubt one of the Kim Dotcom. When the attacks stopped cybercriminals, who a few days ago the network paralyzed Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, Kim announced that a re-availability is his merit. He had to do this in a rather unusual way: cybercriminals presented an interesting offer, which is a free Account Mega hosting service , offering up to 500 GB of space.

At first, it looked like a typical marketing play and empty boasting, but – to everyone’s surprise – the group behind the attacks Lizard Squad confirmed boast Kim . Yes! This guy saved the good humor of players from all over the planet just to give criminals an attractive gift. And although you can complain that the terrorists will not negotiate, the effect was that the players were able to return to your favorite entertainment.

Developer Mega wants to run MegaChat

This is not the end. Kim has just announced that it intends to create a new service. It will be running in the browser communicator, allowing the encrypted voice and text . In addition to communications security, a new service called MegaChat is to provide the ability to quickly transfer files.

This is, at least for now, the only confirmed information about the new service. In fact, do not know almost nothing about it except that it is to be built, and that aims to provide secure communications . Previous actions dotcom give hope that MegaChat can prove to be quite

reasonable, polished tool.

Encryption Communication

Just to mention the way in which Mega refined service – its founder just announced that finder various loopholes can expect to be rewarded in the amount of up to 10 thousand. euro. As you might guess, any holes are quickly detected and patched. With MegaChatem may be the same.

The challenge thrown for Skype, and thus Microsoft may seem a bit exaggerated, but in fact … why not try it? From the time of Snowden knowledge that we overheard has become widespread, and thus increased the need for covert communications from prying eyes.

Not only Microsoft and Google

While the recently disclosed NSA materials indicate that the majority of American Security Security Service is able to cope (more on this topic can be found in the article “Do you care about privacy? Meet the safeguards that were the problem NSA “), the start and popularization of the new, secure messaging can be quite positive development. In the end, the NSA is not the only organization that wants to learn the secrets of the internet, and outside agents various services on our data also lurk ordinary cybercriminals.

The success of Dotcom services can therefore make the network will become a little safer place. It remains for us to be patient with the hope that on the announcement is over. Competition is good for all of us , so you might want to look out for an alternative to Skype and Google services. Good luck, Kim!

The article used the information from the website, WinBeta, Forbes, Chip, The Register and The Next Web.


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