Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Weaker bones out of laziness – rmf24.pl

The development of agriculture and the abandonment of the lifestyle of our ancestors hunter and gatherer contributed to a significant weakening of our bones. Research conducted by researchers from the University of Cambridge show that their inaction weakens your skeleton even more. How to write in the journal PNAS, beyond lifestyle there are no other reasons why human bones were to be weaker today than a few thousand years ago.

The study of bones using pQCT (Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography)

/ Univ. of Cambridge / PNAS /

The study conducted by British scientists has shown that there are no anatomical reasons why modern man would not have bones as resistant as those that occurred in our prehistoric ancestors, and now there are even in orangutans.

The breakthrough came just in connection with the transition to sedentary lifestyle associated with the development of agriculture. While the hunters and gatherers 7,000 years before they were endowed with a strong and resilient backbone, the farmers of the same areas were 6000 years later the bones much lighter and less resistant to fracture. The bone density decreased at the time of up to 20 percent. This difference comparable with staying for three months in an extremely unfavorable conditions, the lack of gravity bones, for example, the International Space Station.

The authors emphasize that these results are unequivocal confirmation of opinion about the harmful consequences for bone sedentary lifestyle. In their view, adequate physical activity, maintained throughout life, is essential to

counter the increasing cases of osteoporosis. For proper bone health, we must work – regardless of the diet – practically all my life.

Our bones reach their peak density at the age of about 30 years, if we want them to be as strong as then, we must remember the physical activity from an early age. The exercise and an active lifestyle in middle age helps to accompany aging adverse effects did not act too quickly and deeply.

Today we live in both cultural and technical conditions to which our evolutionary adaptive mechanisms simply do not fit. Over millions of years, we have grown accustomed to, that the survival of the action and the action, only 100, or 50 years we went – at your own peril – a sedentary lifestyle – explains co-author, Dr. Colin Shaw. Do not evolved to sit behind the wheel of a car, or behind a desk – said.

The research carried out for the femurs, at the root area, where there is cancellous bone – trabecular demonstrated that primitive hunters , collectors, this is where you will see the strongest difference. Their bones showed the highest density, probably associated with the body’s reaction to severe stress. According to the British was to reduce the burden, rather than differences in diet, or problems with maintaining the vertical lighter skeleton, have given rise to the later, unfavorable changes for us.

The authors consider its results for the clear indication that in the conditions of modern civilization, physical activity can prevent permanent weakening of our bones. Even more disturbing, that comes at a time when increasing our average weight.


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