Saturday, December 27, 2014

Current brain stimulation: a cure for depression, improves the intellect … – Polish Radio

The procedure takes only 20-30 minutes and consists in specific regions of the brain teasing DC low intensity. It is applied by means of skin electrodes, and is not perceptible. Actually, there is stimulation, but the polarization, because constant voltage applied to the head produces a constant electric field. That it modifies the frequency of discharge of neurons and affects the brain.

The performance of mental

According to the “Scientific American” tDCS stimulation temporarily improves mental performance , for example, improves memory, language skills and concentration of attention. Are also better motor skills. No wonder that by the interest in the Pentagon. Apparently, the US military is testing that have shown that with this method, you can increase your skills and endurance of soldiers.

Employers view to using tDCS in their companies. Prof. Alan Snyder of the Centre for Mind in Sydney (Australia) gave 60 volunteers tested. After a fifteen minute brain stimulation they showed significantly better topographical memory, solving math problems faster and better cope with drawing and painting. Scientific journal PLOS ONE indicates that the scholar now examine the extent to help stimulate the anterior part of the right temporal lobe, which is responsible for creativity.


It seems that it is a safe method. Studies of the brain using EEG and magnetic resonance imaging and psychological tests so far have not shown any side effects tDCS stimulation. There was also no any morphological damage of brain tissue.

Dr Roi Cohen Kadosh of the University of Oxford says only that its effects may vary from person to person – depending on the personality. In one of his studies, those who were afraid of math after tDCS treatment provided answers faster, and cortisol, the so-called. stress hormones, among them was lower. On the other hand, people who are not afraid of math, the brain stimulation fared worse. This information gave the “Journal of Neuroscience”.

For now, however, this technique is tested mainly in medicine. The most spectacular results were obtained in attempts to wake people located in the brain after severe trauma in a vegetative state or so. minimal consciousness.

Experiments on patients

Prof. Steven Laureys of the University of Liege in Belgium says in “Neurology”, the experiments gave 55 patients. Some were in a coma for a few weeks only, but some remained in this

state for several years. After a 20 minutes tDCS stimulation by 13 people in the state of minimal consciousness, and 2 patients in a vegetative state betrayed slightly larger signs of consciousness in which they previously never noticed. Some of them were even able to communicate. This meant that the answers to simple commands eye movements or head or squeezing a hand, if it was possible.

The effect of stimulation of the brain does not last long, however, persisted after two hours. It is not known how they worked. Prof. Laureys suspected, patients in a coma tDCS stimulates the processes responsible for the concentration of attention and working memory.

tDCS neurostimulation methods but also use a technique called TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation), or transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain. It exhibits a similar effect. Magnetic field excitatory cholinergic innervation pathways affecting their ability to memorize and attention.

Help with depression

The 65-year-old Martha Rhodes describes in the autobiographical book “3,000 Pulses Later “as lasting 40 minutes through 30 séances TMS cured with drug treatment resistant depression. He claims that antidepressants do not help. These, in turn, which even showed an action, such as to cause the severe side effects, mainly nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. She also had mood swings and suicidal thoughts.

The US Agency. Food and Drug Administration in 2008. Committed a method for the treatment of drug-resistant TMS depression. In the US it is used, among others, prof. Mark George of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. With his experience has shown that he is going to cure every third patient is eligible for TMS, and in 50-60 percent. achieved relief of symptoms of depression.

Brain Stimulation will never be able to make only a genius to work in the garden retarded country boy, as shown in the famous movie “Lawnmower Man”. American futurologist Francis Fukuyama predicts only that its consequences for the modern man may be even higher than the cloning and genetic engineering.

pp / PAP


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