For an American, Eric Meyer past year associated with the struggle for the life of her daughter, who suffers from a brain tumor. Facebook called the pain, juxtaposing the tragic events in an idyllic setting. Tactless composition for the service chiefs apologize memories you.
In his summary algorithm Facebook takes into account the pictures and posts that received the most “ lajków “, that is, those that have gained popularity among other users. Sam the account holder does not mention the possibility of selecting that really were important to him.
In the case of Meyer’s liking these were an expression of support in the fight against disease, 6-year-old child. American described the tragic events in the form of miniblogu, by which he tried to cope with the tragedy. Automatic statement squeeze tears photography, completed the slogan “May the next year was even better,” offended father.
In the case of Meyer’s liking these were an expression of support in the fight against disease, 6-year-old child.
Meyer wrote: “Those who have lived with the specter of death of the person you love, spend most of their time in hospitals or forks to have lost their jobs or experienced other falls in the past year, did not want to look at the past. Rebecca’s face with the signature ‘See how was your year’ cause jarring to read. If you would describe a man, it would be at least inappropriate. In the case of the algorithm is an unfortunate mistake. “
At this, Facebook responded heads. In “The Washington Post” posted a formal apology for the pain that caused the summary.
“Apka assessed positively by many users, but in this case, instead of joy przysporzyliśmy pain – wrote Jonathan GHELLER, service representative. – It is also important feedback for us. Next time we’ll do a better summary. We are grateful to Mr. Meyer, that took the time to write miniblogu on our site. “

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