Sunday, December 28, 2014

Facebook apologizes – showed a photograph of the deceased child … –

If you only use Facebook, certainly in the last days of the application encountered a “Year of the user.” While this overview of pictures from 2014 years to serve excited memories and emotions, it is in some they were too painful to want to return to them.

The application is simple – based on the popularity of photos selects a dozen of them, divided into periods of the year and shows, along with descriptions of what they have used. The idea seemed to Facebookowi safe, but apparently failed to detail.

The standard text, which featured a contribution to the review year, sounded in English, “It’s been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.” What on Polish very neatly translated as “Thanks to you, it was a great year.” That’s it – great. Not for everyone this year was great and not everyone wants to remember him. Meanwhile, Facebook impose themselves with their application for all users. Some of them feel that offended .

This is what happened in the case of Eric Meyer, designer websites and writer . By 2014, his 6-year-old daughter Rebecca died of brain cancer. That’s why Eric avoid creating for themselves a review year – it would be too painful.

But Facebook know better what to whom you need. If you have not decided on a voluntary basis prepared for us to view the photos, after a short time they themselves began to appear in our stream of messages. It is true annotation is shown next to them that they are not visible to others, but this time it was not the point. Eric Meyer hurt combination of the words “It was a great year!” From the face of his dead daughter in June.

After the entry on the blog, where Meyer described the situation of the case made out loud. Many people in the comments at the texts that speak about the whole situation solidaryzowało with Meyer. The representative contacted Facebook with Eric Meyer

and apologized for the situation.

Cruel algorithm

However, it’s not that clear and Meyer wrote this on his blog. The idea is to mindless and cruel algorithms that choose their (probably in good faith) photos, or construct other content automatically generated were equipped with mechanisms that take into account the worst-case scenario. In the end, a lot of people dead loved ones, many do not consider this to be a fantastic year, many have no desire to commemorate him. The problem is that the Facebook app is imposed despite the lack of interest of the user.

Although my year – fortunately – it was not even a fraction of such a tragic, like Meyer, it does not feel like I have too much to dwell on it. Facebook solicitation completely ignored and not interested in what for me has prepared. Despite this, just two days after the appearance of the applications on the network every day, it started to insert your image into my stream of inviting me to share the content of others. After a few times I turned off it from the drop-down menu, but this method was neither obvious nor easy.

How much easier it would be to ask if I wanted to Facebook generated an overview of the year for me. Certainly most willingly would benefit from this opportunity. Sure it would be less of them than when everyone was getting in his face, and a review of the year would be weaker promotional effect that Facebook wanted to achieve. But promotion should not be more important than human feelings.


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