Monday, December 15, 2014

Science making year: landing on a comet – Polish Radio

  The lander Philae is an element of great action Rosetta, launched in 2004 , photo: EPA / FRANK RUMPENHORST

The European mission lasted ten years, and was a success, the Philae lander sat down on the surface of a comet 67P. Over time, it has detected organic compounds and water.

“The World of Physics” emphasizes that the planting of the lander is a technological breakthrough that opens a new chapter in the study of the history of our solar system and life on Earth.

The mathematician and philosopher, Professor Stanislaw Krajewski from

Warsaw University IAR says that such a performance in the short term may be useful even philosophers, at least some, “because it will affect our knowledge, and By this, our orientation is that we place in the universe. ”

“The World of Physics” singled out a few other achievements in 2014; is between the detection of particles – neutrinos – the Sun, the work on modern energy from nuclear fusion or reproduce in the lab explosions of stars.



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