Tuesday, December 23, 2014

One of the heads of the LG was banned from leaving the country for … – Gazeta.pl

Cho Sung-jin, the head of LG responsible for household appliances, was banned from leaving South Korea. Any day is also to be issued a warrant for his arrest. He was accused of vandalizing the position of Samsung washing machines before September IFA 2014 in Berlin.

Cargo Edison in 2014?

This story sounds just as absurd as intriguing. According to Samsung Cho Sung-jin, along with other employees LG, interfere with the work in preparation for the fair and devastated displayed on the stand of the machine. On the recording, monitoring can see how many times he hit the door washing Crystal Blue, which was to get hit by their hinges.

Samsung Crystal Blue Fig. Samsung

In response, LG issued a statement in which he denied that it was intentional. Employees of the company supposedly only “competitor tested solutions.” However, the company still paid to Samsung for damages.

There is indeed such a dramatic story, as head of the company entering the stand competition with helpers armed with batons – such messages could only provide us with

Thomas Edison. Here, the situation began to stupid, but then things got even stranger …

This is not the end

In December, Samsung LG formally accused of manipulating the material evidence on the destruction of washing machines and perjury. It was argued that in the video of the exhibition can also be seen as an employee of Samsung Electronics pulls door of the machine to provide evidence of the crime.

In response to this, in turn, has accused Samsung LG of attempting to blur the true nature of the case and to blame victim:

Installing the LG Electronics case against prosecutor when the director Cho Sung-jin he is able to indictment and was banned from leaving the country, it is completely incomprehensible.

Anyone here not at fault, this case should have to go into oblivion already in mid-September. It turns out, however, that the war is not only corporate activities at the highest level of power, but also lining the blades in the sandbox …

[For: Business Korea]


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