Bishops – moral bankrupts who do not have the right to teach.
The bishops have no right to lecture others in any context, because instructive from the pulpit bishops are only morally bankrupt, who tell the faithful that they adhere to the teachings of the Church, but the bishops to reproaches derogation from the teachings of the Church treat it as an attack on the faith, the church and God. Only a total mockery agonizing bishops can call on the family of mixed into the context of God, because it de facto bishops “God” is now empty, trite and meaningless cliche. Apparently, the bishops noted that the Catholic model of the family, where parents deprive their own child’s right to choose whether he wants to be a Catholic by choice, is a model of the family now firmly odrzucanym, hence the constant reference to God.
Bishops, which behavior is to deny the teachings of the Church, before they moralize, teach others, and come with their dirty boots in virtually every aspect of life Pole, they should follow the teachings of the Catholic Church – “ God became man. And it’s not a king in a golden palace, located only a small child in a poor manger “, the words of Cardinal Dziwisz: ” Style Jesus is the “style of simplicity, poverty and humility” . Today, the Church, and especially hierarchs who rejected the worship of God for the worship of the Golden Calf, now living in palaces, basking in luxury, luxury, wealth, opulence are in complete contradiction sciences humble womb Jesus that they preach from the pulpit.
This piece is very interesting at the same time telling: “In the opinion of the hierarchy need for” conscious and able to read the signs of the times parents, not to destroy the innocence of a child, in order not to disturb the natural process of aging and also self discovery sexual level “. It is particularly telling statement “not to destroy the innocence of the child” , a particularly large role in this field has Tylawy priest and his ilk. What you have to be a hypocrite and a cynic like most ordinary bishops to talk about the innocence of a child, at the same time concealing pedophile priests scandal, and tolerate priests speaking about morality but previously reached out to the panties of a small child.
Celebration “Celebration of the Holy Family “is nothing but an attempt to force the cultivation of the Catholic family model, which is denied the right to choose whether you want to be a Catholic because baptism is only the ignorant Catholics wholesale production, tolerance for the views of other Catholic dogmas of the Catholic where even the most absurd are the benchmark standards and conduct and the pulpit is the only exponent of the only truths.
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