Sunday, December 21, 2014

DO NOT BUY smartphone brand for Christmas. They are available in … –

Robert Kędzierski

  Service warns against buying Chinese smartphone Coolpad brand. Devices infected by a malicious software, are available free of Poland. The problem may also involve other suspiciously cheap phones from China.

During the holidays always buy more and more likely, not always maintaining sanity. Once again, it appears that targeting only the price would make the buy equipment not only for poor performance, but also one that threatens our security. reports a Chinese brand of cheap smartphones that are infected with a dangerous factory software. Luka named by researchers CoolReaper allows you to take control of the smartphone. All through that device suspiciously often displays aggressive advertising that really represent the door open to cyber criminals.

What are able to do remotely? Quite a few:

send SMS and MMS messages clear=”none”/> Perform
phone calls to track the location of your
Install applications Run applications clear=”none”/>
clear=”none”/> Display
Browse instant messaging
Retrieve a list of contacts and connections made. emphasizes that action is purposeful smartphone manufacturer.

After drawing attention to the harmful functions CoolReapera, the manufacturer promised to remove features backdoor device. However, re-analysis of research tends to undermine the good intentions of the manufacturer – all point to the fact that he only changed the name of one of the malicious kompontentów with (CD_DMP.apk) to a more enigmatic (GoogleGmsFramework.apk) in order to hide her

If So any of you thought about a cheap gift for Christmas, much better you will release the money to buy something other than the smartphone;)

Coolpad brand products (also appearing under the names DanZen and Halo) are available in Poland – find them on Allegro. Keep in mind though that many other cheap Chinese smartphones and tablet has a built-spyware. In addition, for these models will be difficult to find an alternate ROM. Not only should target price. It is better to trust in proven companies.


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