Thursday, December 18, 2014

Farmer simulator will see its steering – driving a tractor in front of … – Gadzeto Mania

“From the point of view of the Milky Way, we are all from the village” – the inscription on one of Warsaw’s walls. And looking at the popularity of Farming Simulator 2015 something like that slogan is.

Farming Simulator 2015 and controller from Saitek

being created with the aim of steering Farming Simulator 2015 will still consist of pedals and a special “console”, which you will find buttons. In this way, zaczepimy trailer or run the combine. This will help you feel like a real farmer sitting behind the wheel of a tractor or other “agricultural” machine.

With the steering wheel for “virtual farmers” can laugh, because it’s quite unusual gadgets, games and even with many mocks. But both companies are well aware of what they do and it is a very good business decision. In Poland alone Farming Simulator 2015 in the number of sold 30,000 copies, and in the month of release. And All views the series went to more than 100,000 Poles! How to play on the PC it’s really neat, impressive result.

Why the popularity? With simplicity. Farming Simulator is not dazzling graphics, to maintain the vehicles can have a few reservations. But it does not matter. In this game is something that attracts to the monitor. You ride a tractor, sow, harvest collect, buy, sell. Simply put – simulator farmer .

As in Poland is one hundred thousand people who want to feel like a real farmer, is the world these numbers are even higher. Create a gadget that will increase the realism of the game, it’s a hit.

Farmer Wants a Wife in the virtual world

The success of the series Farming Simulator easily pair with the popularity of the show TVP – “Farmer Wants a Wife”. It is often said that is a program that shows the human face of the countryside . Nice, friendly, sensitive. It captivated townsfolk finally zatęsknili behind the village.

Farming Simulator 2015 is obviously not squeezer tears, this is not a game that is designed to show the true picture of the village. But in a clever way You can make a childhood dream : to drive a combine or tractor. Sell ​​corn, buy chickens. You know, as in this Memi: “maybe just drop everything

and go to the Bieszczady Mountains.”
series of Farming Simulator allows you to rest for a moment and imagine that it leads to simple, simple life. No traffic jams, no shopping malls, no big corporations. Besides, This is why I love the different simulators – because we can be a lorry driver (a childhood dream, eh?), Aircraft and even ordinary bus. Every boy dreamed about it, now already a bit older as it may desire virtually achieved.

Farming Simulator – a phenomenon

But there is something else. I have a little theory about why simulators are so popular . Because in them the player does not need anything. They give us a free hand. In Farming Simulator 2015 we have run their own role – as you get to the money, that’s our business.

This is a real sandbox, in which is a scenario we agree and prevailing rules. I do not know about you, but I fell in love for the GTA series, that of the “fourth” part of a bit of a feeling of freedom took, despite the addition of a huge world.
For example, in Vice City loved to roam the city. In GTA IV and GTA V such trips are possible , but along the way you will engage an independent character, the phone will ring, and so on, and so on – is the mass of the things that distract. Feel that it is not we govern, and we are only a cog in a big, living world. This has obvious advantages, but it also has drawbacks.

A games like Farming Simulator 2015 or Euro Truck Simulator series throw us to the world and let you do almost everything you want . Buy a box, which we like to go the route we want. Freedom and freedom, no duties, the same pleasure. The goal is, but distant, somewhere nearby.

And that’s why Farming Simulator 2015 is so popular , a controller for it will sell like hotcakes. True freedom and the opportunity to realize your dreams – for a game in the game, right?


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