Hacker copied fingerprint of German Minister of Defense. Enough pictures of her thumb he made at a press conference. This can be a serious problem for the owners of smartphones.
Our fingerprint form non repetitive pattern. It would seem that based on fingerprint security can not be broken. Therefore, the various readers are becoming increasingly popular. Guaranteed by the security is purely illusory. This has been proved by German hackers.
Members of the Chaos Computer Club have already proven that they can without any problem to copy and use the imprint left on the smooth surface of the
During a conference organized by the hacker group Chaos Computer Club Jan Krissler described how the baby easily took possession of the thumbprint Minister Ursula Van der Leyen. It was enough to hand image captured during a press conference with a number of different angles. Then the man used the VeriFinger readily available software that is used to identify fingerprints in a variety of security systems.
By Krisslera pictures made quite an ordinary camera. Needed was a
Now Krissler demonstrated that it is possible to copy fingerprints without having a physical object in which they are reflected.
Members of the Chaos Computer Club have already proven that they can without any problem Copy use the imprint left on the smooth surface. In 2008,. The glasses, which used the then Interior Minister Wolfgang Schauble married German imprint of his index finger. Then published it, and comforted the fans of the group can see that the thus obtained biometric data can easily be used in security systems. Enough to be used for this purpose a copy of the fingerprint Schäuble.

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