Saturday, December 27, 2014

Jaasta – keyboard that adapts to your needs – Computer World

Jaasta definitely stands out among keyboards
 currently available on the market. Traditional keys are in the
 replaced by E Ink screens, which allows you to display the buttons
 any symbols and assign keys different functions. They may be
 Standard alphanumeric characters or icons adapted to operate in
 the text or graphical editor. For example, the
 run Photoshop on the keyboard will be displayed
 utility program, and while working in the office next to the letters appear
 mark hotkeys. This is a good solution not only for
 beginners, but also impelled by users who
 want to smoothly navigate the application without having to use
 mouse. Additionally Jaasta supports 50 languages, so no problem
 You can customize the keyboard to the Cyrillic or Chinese
 the alphabet.

klawiatura_ps .gif


The device responds to voice commands, such as save
  send , search and changing command
 display system of

signs. Jaasta is wireless, and its
 range is 10 meters. Built-in battery should last for 12
 months of work.

Use the Keyboard Master II tool to learn quickly
 and touch type


The project also includes Jaasta wireless mouse that has
 operate silently and be equipped with a fingerprint reader,
 USB 3.0 port and 8GB of internal memory. According to the manufacturer, the battery
 will allow for two years operation.

Keyboard valued at $ 299 and $ 79 mouse.
 Of soon should move products, which is to allow
 on completion of the project.

You can also read:
 Sony gadget turns your glasses on Google

Source: PCLab

  Photo: Jaasta


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