Sunday, December 21, 2014

The new law on the experimental animals – Focus

Polish law on animal studies has been adapted to the provisions of the EU Directive, which takes into account the fact that animals feel pain, suffering and stress.

The current law in Poland in 2005. of animal experiments does not cover all EU regulations. According to the authors of the new law is to reduce animal suffering and to reduce the risk of running experience unnecessary and unjustified.

The Act provides for the operation of ethics committees, which will grant approvals to carry out projects that require animal testing. The committee will consist of representatives of the natural sciences, humanities (lawyers and ethicists) and representatives of organizations for the protection of animals (NGOs).

The Act to monitor the status of laboratory animals. To do this requires the breeders, suppliers and users to provide proper veterinary care to animals. The authors of the Act placed a strong emphasis on the implementation of alternative methods that avoid the use of animals in experiments, or significantly restrict them. According to the Act:

  • The animals will be used for research only if you can not use the alternative test methods

  • Number of animals used in the procedure
is to be limited


  • Animals used for research are to be kept in conditions appropriate to their species

  • The research methods are used to minimize or eliminate pain, suffering and prolonged stress animals

    introduced a ban on the use of methods that prevent animals undergoing procedures for the production of speech (eg. Cutting of the vocal cords). The entry ago scientists opposed, arguing that such methods were used only in the past; whereas the ban will be suggested that they are still the practice.

    The ethics committee for the issue of authorization to conduct experiments will have to assess whether the expected benefits from the experience is greater than the harm to the animals.

    Members tightened too – in relation to the original version – records that relate to the re-use of experimental animals, as well as the use of wild animals and the homeless. This will be possible only in exceptional cases.


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