Monday, December 1, 2014

Windows XP 8.1 defeated, the leader of Windows 7 –

StatCounter data show that in November this year. by far the world’s most popular operating system on computers, tablets and consoles was Windows 7, which was 50.34 per cent. market share.

The second place was Windows 8.1 (10.95 per cent.), which for the first time ahead of Windows XP (10.69 percent.). This was followed by the Mac OS X (8.11 per cent.), IOS (6.61 per cent.), Windows 8 (4.9 percent.) And Windows Vista (2.7 percent.).

In Poland the clear leader in November was also a Windows 7 (52.01 per cent. of the market share), but the second – despite a steady decline – was still Windows XP (15.61 percent.) and still have a significant advantage over Windows

8.1 (11.18 percent. ).

The following items belong to Windows 8 (5.89 per cent.), Windows Vista (4.7 percent.), Android (2.78 per cent.) and Mac OS X (2.15 per cent.).

Author: km

More information: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows XP, Windows, the operating system


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