Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Apple promises to appeal against the sanctions on EU tax – GazetaPrawna.pl

Also, the Irish government denied justifying this decision thesis that gave Apple the tax advantages against the Union rules on state aid.

“Złożymy appeal and we are confident that the decision will be canceled” – said the company. He criticized, however, that the European Commission has set up here over the Irish tax legislation and international tax system. Proceedings Brussels seriously hurt investment and job creation in Europe – warned Apple.

In the opinion of the European Commission, the Irish authorities have to enforce Apple’s return value received in the years 2003-2014 tax credits with interest. “The Commission has come in the course of its analysis to conclude that Ireland provided Apple unacceptable tax advantages, so Apple for many years have to pay taxes much lower than other businesses,” – said on Tuesday in Brussels, the European Commissioner for competition Margrethe Vestager.

According to the EC, adopted in Ireland made solutions, the effective rate paid by the company owned by a commercial company Apple Sales International tax profit decreased from 1 percent. in 2003 to 0.005 per cent. in 2014. The company is in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and India, the official dealer imported from Asia Apple products.

“As part of the agreed (with the Irish authorities), methods for the majority of the revenue was attributed to internally within Apple Sales International + HQ + outside of Ireland. That + headquarters + was not located in any country, had no employees or offices. Its activities consisted only occasional meetings of the board. only a small part of the revenue of the company was assigned the Irish branch and subject to tax in Ireland. the remaining the bulk of the revenue was attributed + HQ + and remained tax-free “- indicates the EC Communication.

he added that the same system was also used in the case of Apple Operations Europe, responsible for the production of

some lines of computers.

through established in 1980 Irish subsidiaries Apple realizes a significant part of its international commercial activities. These companies contribute to the costs of research and development, receiving in return intellectual property rights and share in the profits.

The Irish government denied posed to him by the EC allegations, pointing out that “Ireland has not granted Apple any tax advantages” . The company paid all applicable taxes and has not received any illegal aid.

The government will examine in detail the Commission’s decisions now to prepare its legal challenge. “It is not appropriate that the EU rules on state aid have been applied in such unprecedented way,” – says the government’s message, emphasizing that tax issues are a matter for individual Member States.

According to the EC Ireland must now recover from Apple unpaid taxes for the period of 2003-2014 the total amount to 13 billion euros plus interest. Group cash reserves currently amount to about 230 billion dollars – of which more than 90 percent. It is held outside the US, in large part as in Ireland. EC Decision not had on investors much of an impression, the share price of Apple fell SIA traded pozaparkietowym only 1.8 percent.

The investigation the EC is directed only against Ireland, but any payment will be enforced from Apple. As noted Vestager, the governments of other EU member states will be allowed after analyzing the decision to apply to the company to pay taxes, if they consider them to be due. Per Ireland then the amount would have been reduced. (PAP)


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