Friday, August 26, 2016

Drones will provide customers with a pizza restaurant chain Domino’s – Interia


                              Today, August 26 (5:55)

the New Zealand branch of restaurant chain Domino’s was the first in the world to offer its customers a regular pizza delivery using drones. The demonstration flight took place on Thursday in the country’s largest city – Auckland.


                              Pizza from the drone – is the solution slowly becomes more and more popular


“We have always believed that the supply of 2-pound contract vehicle, which weighs 2 tons do not make sense” – he said in a statement the head of Domino’s Don Meij. The company has announced that later

this year he wants to run in the New Zealand system of regular deliveries of food by drone. Last year, the country’s authorities have given the green light for commercial transport services operated drones.

“Our friendly law means that the country ideal conditions (for such services) “- convinced, after seeing a demonstration flight Domino’s transport Minister Simon Bridges of New Zealand.

Domino’s emphasizes that considering conducting similar tests in Australia, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Japan and Germany. In Australia, next month comes into force the law to permit the transport of goods drones, provided that the device will not approach the house from a distance of at least 30 meters. In the United States, similar regulations will take effect from 29 August.

Meanwhile, the representative of another company offering services based on bezzałogowcach, X-craft Enterprises, Domino’s warns against excessive enthusiasm. Philip Solaris advises that New Zealand law indeed allows for the transport of goods drones, but only in a situation in which the unit at all times remain within sight of their control.

“I do not know how this idea can be commercially viable, when all the time will have to be someone who will not take his eyes of such a drone “- wonders Solaris.

last month, the American chain 7-Eleven conducted a commercial flight drone that provided the customer with coffee, donuts and a sandwich with chicken.

lm / province /


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