Monday, August 22, 2016

Meizu Mix: SmartWatch working on the battery almost eight months – Gadzeto Mania

the platform takes crowdfundingowej Fundraising for the first watch in the offer Meizu. It has to be a combination of the classical mechanism and appearance and function SmartWatch. Is such a compromise has a chance of success?

  1. how many new Meizu to be a classic and if a smart watch?
  2. For how long the work will enable the built-in battery?
  3. What are the features provide?
  4. When and at what price will go on sale?

Intelligent watch in classic form

action continues to raise funds for an interesting project Meizu, already recognized manufacturer of smartphones. If successful (and it seems a matter of time) soon will go to the production of specific hybrid watch on analog mechanism and SmartWatch. The solution all the more interesting that provide the most interesting and the most important features of both.

At first hard to figure out that the Meizu Mix is ​​more than a classic timepiece – the envelope 42 mm is typical form and small thickness, and the disc is no different from those encountered in an elegant analog watches. Both types of applied strips and bracelet also represent watchmaking classics. Potential watch “betrays” only job LED and vibration .

Partner in fitness and assistant phone

the design of the watch allows you to be quiet about its strength. Stainless steel case provides water resistance to 30 meters, and a shield protects sapphire

glass. Abandoning the typical smartwatchów display achieved impressive battery life: the capacity of 270 mAh provide operation 240 days .

Monitoring of physical activity will enable the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope. Smartphone paired via Bluetooth 4.0 LE, and will review the data collected in the dedicated application Android. It also configure the watch, including adapting different types of vibrations to the notification.

Shine example, and not the next screen

For Meizu success proves that such products has a future . SmartWatch initially aroused the interest that confronted with a single- or two-day battery life quickly extinguished. Smartphone users had the idea of ​​accommodating, but not at the cost of everyday connecting the charger. The next step was to go in the opposite direction, that is simple to the limit band finessowe. But hard to put in one line of watches.

Such initiatives can combine the best they have to offer all of the above products. The classic and elegant design, long battery life and a range of options for notification and monitoring activities. Such a compromise should satisfy most users so far skeptical about smart-watches. Price Meizu Mix has been set at $ 150. (Belt jeans), $ 195 (leather strap) and 225 dollars. (Steel bracelet). The premiere was initially scheduled for October 2016, the beginning of China.

Source: press materials, Meizu


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