Thomas Machała of naTemat is bound since the beginning of 2012, when the company together with NextWeb Media preparing to launch portal (launched in February of that year). At the end of 2013, the company launched a service economy, fall 2014 has evolved into a blog Anna Mucha in service for parents and took a satirical blog, while in the year. launched service lifestyle Bliss (acting in the domain and prepares service TruDat verify opinions and information circulating in the circulation of the public.
In mid-2013 the company withdrew NexWeb Media, and the main owners were Tomasz Lis ( currently has 63.5 per cent. of shares) and Robert Jędrzejczyk (34 percent.), while the Thomas waved as of 2014 to be 2.5 per cent., which sell other shareholders before leaving the company. He is in it as president, managing director and editor-in-chief As announced on Thursday, the beginning of November will go to the Group’s Virtual Poland, which will include managing director of news and business area.
What Tomasz She waved as the key achievements during more than 4.5 years directing the Group naTemat? – First – it came out, because four years ago we all knocked in the head. Secondly, the financial results – from 2013 revenue and profit only grow, the company built a healthy financial standing on their feet. Thirdly, 9 million users per month group. This shows how great, engaging, quality, innovative media we were able to build. Fourth, a group of managers who take responsibility for the company – is calculated in an interview with
naTemat from the beginning focused on the advertising of native and non-standard forms of advertising. From the beginning of a portal frequented by this criticism, the first day of operation of the portal a lot of jokes provoked text praising sausages Orlen (which was not sponsored), then widely discussed in journalism, photo shoot Thomas waved trousers Levi’s, a photograph of Tomasz Lis with drink Powerade. and text in a positive light describing advisor Provident loan.
– If you are doing something, especially something innovative, you will be criticized. There is only one situation worse about this, that they say about you. This, if you do not talk about. About naTemat said. And it’s great because it’s necessary when you build media – says Tomasz Machała these objections. – We have the best financial results in the history and in the history of most users. And the most engaging fan page in history. And thanks to the native advertising we share content marketing, which gives our readers real information or entertainment value. And we have the money to build quality media, pay wages nearly 60 people to pay a total of nearly 2 million taxes – lists.
Developers naTemat announced place for quality journalism and copyright content, while on the site all the time reveals much short texts with information from other media. – Of course, we have a duty fast a news reporter, but it is one person, while the remaining ten writes author journalistic texts. Please also see what quality content will do our magazine Bliss – long, with its own photographer – emphasizes Tomasz Machała.
The portal is also considered to be highly critical of the right-wing circles. – NaTemat is considered a medium anti-Church and employed journalists straight from the Catholic titles and I think no one can say he did not have complete freedom of speech. Uchodzimy for medium antyprawicowe, and I cordially invite you to work with us efficient journalists and web publishers with right-wing views and guarantee their freedom of expression – calculates Machała. – I’m the boss, for whom it does not matter where you come from. Just do your job every day with motivation, as if your life depended on it. I will be fine – says.
Thomas Machała declares that he decided to go to the Virtual Polish is not primarily because of job prospects in a television channel that the company will launch at the end of this year. – The most important factor was the position of WP on the market and the Group’s ambition to grow rapidly – she says. – I have almost 20 years of professional experience and is still a lot to learn. I want to become a better manager of both the media, because I come from journalism and business, because here I developed the fastest in the last four years. The size, income, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit WP convinced me – lists.
She waved be another person with experience of television, which will join the Virtual Polish. The TV channel companies will work Kamila Biedrzycka-Osica and Margaret Serafin, and his boss is Wojciech Pawlak.
In an interview with Machała Thomas explains why he decided to go to HR and sums up his work in the Group naTemat
It was another job offer from the Virtual Polish? About the possibility of the Lord’s work was said for a long time, since the acquisition of the HR Group o2. Why this time you accepted the offer?
I do not know of such rumors.
An important factor was that the virtual Polish TV channel will launch soon? You want to go back to TV journalism, interviews with politicians? Representatives of HR confirmed to us that you will work closely with the new channel.
The most important factor was the position of WP on the market and the Group’s ambition to grow dynamically. I have almost 20 years of professional experience and is still a lot to learn. I want to become a better manager of both the media, because I come from journalism and business, because here I developed the fastest in the last four years. The size, income, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit WP convinced me.
I worked closely with both divisions, which I directly supervised, and from all the most important for the growth of WP on the market, so marketing, finance, sales, HR , IT and product development. Of course, also the TV channel – the first because it is a business and very important for the HR project and secondly because for 10 years I worked in television, thirdly, because Jack Amsterdam from WP1 we did a few years ago, a breakthrough for video on the web thing ie presidential debate live. I am convinced that with satellite WP and WP newsroomami we will do it together groundbreaking and fantastic joint projects.
From the perspective of the manager, why have you decided to return to a large company? Do not you afraid that will not have you in it such as the freedom of the Group naTemat?
In naTemat management was single, and I was also president of three companies. The Management Board of the WP has 11 people and they are very busy people manage their areas. It is quite obvious that I will not be individually managed WP all, and the situation of a company which 8 million in revenue can not be compared with the company having hundreds of millions of revenue. I fear nothing in reserve. With hope and joy I think
What the Lord considers his most important achievement, and for the failure during operation Group naTemat? Is the business escaped maybe some other opportunities to take blogs and convert them into thematic services, as was the case with and
For his greatest successes I recognize: the first – it came out, because four years ago we all knocked in the head. Secondly, the financial results – from 2013 revenue and profit only grow, the company built a healthy financial standing on their feet. Thirdly, 9 million users per month group. This shows how great, engaging, quality, innovative media we were able to build. Fourth, a group of managers who take responsibility for the company. Monika and Paulina – two wonderful and heads of sales, Monika – head of sales support, Michal – our boss core business, namely naTemat, Agata, which oversees new business, or Bliss, INNPoland, mamaDu, TruDat. For some of these people naTemat was the first job. Today I know that they are prepared to develop the new head of the company.
As for the failure, I’m afraid that I have a short memory. Besides, there are so many people who would like to indicate our failure, that he did not have to do it anymore. Rather, I will show how we act in naTemat: do not be afraid of failure. We are doing so many new things, that failure will certainly be. With each pick up quickly, draw conclusions, and with new strength to move forward.
We tried to notice all the good business opportunities. In four years we founded naTemat, mamaDu, ASZdziennik, INNPoland, Bliss, TruDat and all these brands are profitable. It seems that for a company of our size, it’s pretty much the way we used. We were able to set up 15 more brands, but why? All you need to manage, everyone expects resources. Business must scale with the head.
At the start announced that the site will prevail authors articles, and less information will be taken from other media. With time, however, it appeared more and more of the latter and the former as if moved to a thematic services group. In the long run, it turned out that the longer texts are too time-consuming to prepare, do not provide adequate traffic?
That’s not true. Every morning, from 2 January 2012 to today naTemat team meets at the college at 9 am (like the teams INNPoland and mamaDu). Reporters choose subjects and have them convince publishers. These are the topics authors – both news and current affairs. Of course, we have a duty fast a news reporter, but it is one person, while the remaining ten writes author journalistic texts. Please also see what quality content will do our magazine Bliss – long, with its own photographer.
It was so hard to put on a native ad? And image service for the suffered: frequented criticized for poorly marked materials sponsored Pan – for photos with jeans Levi’s and Tomasz Lis – for a photograph with a drink Powerade.
You will be remembered by the rules, which break . I know of no studies showing that the image-service on the hurt. Because he was criticized? If you do something, especially something innovative, you will be criticized. There is only one situation worse about this, that they say about you. This, if you do not talk about. About naTemat said. And it’s great because it is necessary, when you build the media.
We have the best financial results in the history and in the history of most users. And the most engaging fan page in history. And thanks to the native advertising we share content marketing, which gives our readers real information or entertainment value. And we have the money to build quality media, pay wages nearly 60 people to pay a total of nearly 2 million taxes.
Putting a native ad was one of the biggest success stories, one of the key positive decisions. I am grateful to all of our advertising partners a cool joint activity.
It is said that the Group naTemat begins a difficult period of business due to changes in the state sector. It was one of the reasons for the decision of the Lord? Agora recently admitted that the worse financial results of “Gazeta Wyborcza” are due by these changes.
Looking at revenue growth this year, it seems to me that 2016 will close the consolidated income higher than the year 2015. Two weeks ago in the middle of the holiday season, our sales department sold in one day campaigns for the sum, which is normally average in a good month. This shows that customers trust us. A trust, because they know that the Group naTemat has great ideas and content marketing as a good service for our Internet Production Centre. It also has a very strong sales team with excellent work of Monika Ruszkowska and Paulina Plenkiewicz on its head.
What, then, are the results of the Group’s financial naTemat in the first half, compared to the first half of last year ?
we are a publicly traded company, so the financial results published with the full years usually in the middle of next year.
directs you still portal considered to be strongly critical environments right-wing, and you go to the portal, which Tomasz Lis in one of the tweets described as PiS-ish, and the president said that it is worthwhile to have a Polish media. In this context, does Mr. volte-face.
Go to the Polish media to Polish media, and so most agree that it is worthwhile to have a Polish media. If we did not have it where I worked? Earlier, seven years I worked in Polsat, and before that probably three years at Radio Eska. Same Polish media. I’ve never been a political manager.
naTemat is considered a medium anti-Church and employed journalists straight from the Catholic titles and I think no one can say he did not have complete freedom of speech. Uchodzimy for medium antyprawicowe, and I cordially invite you to work with us efficient journalists and web publishers with right-wing views and guarantee their freedom of speech. I’m the boss, for whom it does not matter where you come from. Just do your job every day with motivation, as if your life depended on it. And it is gonna be fine. Because it is always good when a team of people fully committed daily rowing in one direction. That’s what I want to do together with the teams in the WP.
More information : Tomasz Machała, naTemat, Virtual Poland

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