
Pope Francis during a conversation with his predecessor, Benedict XVI. Benedict caused the shock of the faithful and of the Church, when he left the office (L'Osservatore Romano / AP)
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- In 2013, there were a lot of commitments which, as I thought, well I could not fill. The designated date was already World Youth Day, which was held in the summer of 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In this connection I had in mind two distinct factors - explained Benedict XVI. - After the experience of a trip to Mexico and Cuba I did not feel strong enough to take this as a very difficult journey. Furthermore, the program these days, as specified by the John Paul II demanded necessarily the physical presence of the Pope. You could not think of a combination of television and other forms, which provide technology. It was also one of the circumstances because of which the withdrawal became my duty.
- In these days experienced with great force limitations of my physical endurance. First of all, I realized that in the future I am no longer able to face przelotom transoceanic due to changes in time zone. Of course, I talked about these issues also with my doctor, prof. dr. Patrizio Poliscą. It became clear that I will not be able to take part in World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in the summer of 2013. The obstacle here was clearly the change of time zones. Since that time, I had a relatively short time to decide about the date of my withdrawal - adds former pope.
At the suggestion of journalist that the Pope looks calm, although many believe that should feel like a loser because of the resignation, Benedict XVI replied:
- I should be really worried if I was not convinced, as I said at the beginning of my pontificate, I am a simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord. From the beginning, I was aware of my limitations and I accepted the choice, as always tried to do in my life, in the spirit of obedience. Then there were more or less difficult pontificate, but there were also many graces - says the former pope.
Why so much look for?
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I have nothing to this Pope. He was so lost in his theology, he did not know what the world is alive, and whether he is alive. I began to be aware of this fact at the beginning of his pontificate.
Longer being in this world, he did not understand he was in over his head. His world is a world of theological mystification. One big delusion. From the beginning, I felt sorry for him.
It is a pity that Benedict XVI abdicated but I think that Francis is a worthy successor and a challenge for the church hierarchy in Poland who I feel in large part are not willing to accept His teachings
JP2 had had a little more sense, not that he kept tightly Office for death. It was simply embarrassing when I was not even able to say anything sensible from the disease.
Probably just me here zbluzgaja for slander of national holiness.
And Benedict, and Lech Kaczynski have the same face: attentive, yet nervous smile and eyes, saying, "What am I doing here ???"
[10.0313] abdication of Pope Benedict XVI personally perceive as a quiet revolution in the Universal Church.
Apparently nothing happened: in no way been violated principles of the Catholic faith included in the official Catechism (h ttp: //www.katechizm.opoka .com / rkkkap.htm) resignation from the Office held in accordance with canon law, Pope-retired invisibly rests in Castel Gandolfo, tomorrow and, one month after the abdication, begin conclave to elect a new Pope, and again all will be as before ...
Well, nothing will be as before - for several reasons.
first, Benedict XVI broke sześćsetletnią tradition, which requires the Pope to die in his own bed Vatican. Tradition as such plays in the souls and minds of all people a huge role, sometimes more than the written law, the Pope - at least for Catholics - in many areas of the highest authority. If, therefore, an authority in a split second changes a tradition - it must in the minds of the people to cause a veritable earthquake thoughts (avalanche of questions), whose distant effects are unpredictable.
Secondly, their sovereign decision ( "thunderbolt from the blue" ) His Holiness reminded the masses of Catholics who she is and who is not. With a certain elementary rational shame I've read and heard recently in serious (seemingly) media sites that inspired the Holy Spirit, the cardinals will choose a successor soon another Christ. If so say the wise heads on TV, what it is to think of a multimillion-dollar gray Sunday the faithful (and I bet you and many a reader of this)? Meanwhile, the pope is the successor of Christ, but the successor to his student by the name of Peter! Just in case, let me remind you that Jesus Christ is God, which centuries ago was 33 years also one of the people; so at least the Church proclaims.
Thirdly (and most importantly), February 11 2013 years, Benedict XVI cried the whole world: I'm a man! HUMAN! The elderly, and even the old (86 years!) A man who feels that he is weakening, and who knows that the process is always one-sided: the younger, stronger, and healthier longer will not, and can only be worse. Meanwhile, He happened to control the nave of Peter - an institution focusing on the secular dimension of a billion human lives and managed in a more centralized than the erstwhile absolute monarchies. No solitary man not bear the responsibility that rests on the shoulders and on the head of the Pope. On his body and mind.
This brings us to the obvious "fourth". Diseases of old age can vary but some of them affects the brain. The weakening of memory, processes, dementia, alzheimer, loss of skills and intellectual capacities item menting (including - camera sakmokrytycznego), dementia, Parkinson's, atherosclerosis, teams depressive - not exceptions, but the natural rule of our biological species, which are subject to even the most distinguished philosophers and scientists , kings and presidents do not disabling. Care for such a person is difficult - mainly due to the gradual disappearance of psychic contact. Bunch of people "understand" the patient gradually tightens to single a few people. I suppose that Benedict XVI feared such a development of events and his decision (as we remember - ... deeply thoughtful, taken for the good of the whole Church) just in case they prevented.
I will come back to the topic - but rather after the conclave.
Stanislaw Remuszko
remuszko@gmail.com, 504-830-131
h ttp: //www.remuszko.pl/blog.php/? p = 2661
Always impresses me the language spoken senior hierarchs of the Church communicate with their sheep. "I was aware of the constraints and accepted choice in obedience. Then there were difficulties, but there were also many graces." All clear!
Respect and should be an example for the great of this world, who hang on to keep their stanowisk.Zarówno the secular and the spiritual stronie.Zebrałaby this is quite a list.
Three and a half years ago, leaving the image of Benedict XVI to the papal office looked like a complete different. It is absurd to cite the ... inability to hold a trans-oceanic flight and the related time change, since other elements abdication would indicate a very serious crisis causes (ie not completing the encyclical, beginning in the most important period of the liturgical KK - Lent, full of vigor statement of the former Pope on the eve of departure, on Sunday, at the Angelus). Lack of credibility. For which reason further disturb, since the papacy is the authority exercised by one person. Anxiety filled abdication, but a strange feeling waking return to public digressions on the subject.

Weak faith in Papcio who doubts that God will give him the energy to transoceanic travel.