No Man’s Sky shortly after the release has been criticized for technical problems. The situation on the PC already improved the new Nvidia drivers, and now another error removes the first popremierowa patch, also available on the PS4.

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Hello Games has not published yet a full list of changes and improvements, but it can be expected that the update includes most – if not all – the innovation of experimental patch on Steam.
“the PC version received support for the new configuration and improved performance on slower computers” – tweeted producer Sean Murray. “The PlayStation 4 improved stability and a lot more.”
It is now clear what is meant by the mysterious “much more”. It does not help the list of changes on the PlayStation 4, which speaks only of the correction of
Murray ensures that work is already underway on the next patch. “Even if less than one percent of players reported problems, by the end of the week we will solve 70 percent. of them “- he explained.
” The current number of players is for us something crazy “- wrote Murray. This means that even one percent of players with technical problems is a considerable sum.
It is worth noting that the developers are currently focused on fixing bugs instead of introducing new features. Holders of PlayStation 4 will therefore have to wait for the shutdown interface. On the PC is already a lot of mods that introduce similar options.
“We focus on technical support” – provides Murray. “Then go to improve and develop in-game features.”

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