Friday, August 19, 2016

The new consoles will no longer make a big impression. PlayStation and Xbox as smartphones –

The first PlayStation debuted in 1994. PlayStation 2 in 2000. The PlayStation 3 had to wait six years to 2006. The gap between the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 was even more because PS4 went on the market in 2013. A little shorter, though similar spacing noted Microsoft. Xbox had its premiere in 2001, his successor, the Xbox 360 in 2005, but Xbox One – in 2013. This classic division between generations is slowly disappearing, and is present, according to Microsoft may be the last we know .

The division into generations had its obvious advantages. Consoles were hardware for years, there was no need to replace components like PC game released in 2005 to work on the same PS2, which bought in 2000. And besides every new equipment meant progress, a significant jump graphics and technical capabilities . Yes it was.

Evolution, not revolution

the difference between the PS4 and PS3 or Xbox One and Xbox 360 is, of course, noticeable and visible, but there is no graphical gap as in the case of interchange, eg. from PS2 to PS3. Other models consoles are not a revolution, but rather an evolution.

 PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Sony / Microsoft

And so it will, predicts Microsoft. We could guess that, looking at the operation of the giants, but now said it is almost straight. In an interview with Engadget service Aaron Greenberg stated that the future of consoles is not generated. So what is happening now. Both Sony and Microsoft will release next year a new, more powerful models of the PS4 and Xbox One. From the older version will be different components, but no games – the two companies, at least for now, ensure that the game purchased on the PlayStation 4 Neo (the code name for the upcoming 2017 model) moves also weaker, older and “ordinary” PS4 will similarly on Xbox one. titles on stronger consoles will be presented to preferably, but not a huge difference.

All consoles are one family

When broken down into generations it was not possible – quickly abandoned the idea to play with PS2 work on the PS3, and today only a few games from the Xbox 360 hit the Xbox One. it is similar to the PlayStation 4 – a Sony chooses in which titles from PS2 you can play the PS4 and the PS3 only appear refreshed, enhanced versions (and therefore not all.) there is one catch: must first buy . again. the album “the old console” will not read on a new one.

In the absence of generation has to change. Microsoft on future

models Xbox says that this “family of devices.” Sound familiar? It’s the same after PC or market smartfonowym . The “old” applications will launch on each successive new phone, but in the second this site does not work anymore – we launch many new programs on the phone a few years ago. In the case of games is really a big plus, because the collected over the years, the collection will be able to return, without spending money a second time.

A new one every 1-2 years

Microsoft and Sony want to operate a similar model on the market console. End with waiting for the new console five or six years . Better, more powerful version will arise from time to time – who wants to be up to date and have a prettier graphics buy, who does not: remain on the elderly. What if? The gap between the PS4 and PS Neo and the Xbox One and Project Scorpio will be four years, but we can guess that in the future we will wait less. More or less as much as a new model of iPhone.

 Xbox One S photo. Xbox / YouTube

This change is a real revolution in the console market, after all, ends one of the biggest advantages: it is a device for years. Yes, like the old equipment it is to serve and be supported by long, but the fact that at present the market is stronger copy is a good argument for Connecting. Consoles will therefore be as PCs. On the other hand, it’s hard to wonder Sony and Microsoft, the want to earn as graphics card manufacturers and smart phones – no one is shocked by the fact that the new phones or computer components are purchased every 1-2 years, so both these companies are hoping that konsolowi users will do the same. And looking at the interest of the Neo Project Scorpio (the codename for the new Xbox) is possible.

Cloud? Not yet

The end of the division between generations talking for a long time, but previously anticipated that the new versions of the console will not be appeared, because the game will be able to fire almost all, thanks streamingowi. Cloud gaming industry, however, is still the future. Instead of a step forward we return to the roots. So the solution for PCs.


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