Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Loaf: there will be No increase of water charges – the Banker

will Not increase water charges to consumers and entrepreneurs; to be applied are the same as in 2016, told REUTERS the representative of the government of Rafael Loaf after a meeting of the Council of Ministers, which is expected, in particular, the draft Law of the water.

“in accordance with the personal decision of the Prime Minister there will be no increases in water fees will apply same rates as in 2016. – for entrepreneurs and consumers

alike,” said RAHR Loaf. (PAP)

tgo/ mro/ MIK/ pad/ eaw/


The Prime Minister made the decision. We are talking about the price of water – a Virtual Russia

there will be No increase of water charges for consumers and entrepreneurs. Will be applied are the same as in 2016, said the official representative of the government of Rafael Loaf after a meeting of the Council of Ministers, which is expected, in particular, the draft Law of the water.

- in accordance with the personal decision of the Prime Minister there will be no increases in water fees will apply same rates as in 2016. – for entrepreneurs and consumers, said Loaf.

on Tuesday the government had dealt with the draft law, the Law on water, which causes a lot of protests and disputes. The new law was supposed to cause the water to pay more to farmers, water utilities and energy sectors, as well as producers of drinks and other goods that use large amounts of water. The increase in water charges was to feel households in Poland.

- it is Not that we cannot tolerate a rate hike. But the fact that is so necessary for the Polish economy and budget, the sector is not treated fairly. It is sufficient to compare the proposed rates with the manufacturers of other products. In their case it is less than 1 UAH per cubic meter of water, more than 8 rubles – said Andrew Highcock, President of the brewing company.

At a high cost complained also Krzysztof Pawiński, co-founder of the largest in Poland, the food industry concern Maspex.

By the time of giving this message (REUTERS was unable to obtain review of the Agency Wednesday on the issue.

in accordance with the draft law, which entered Tuesday’s meeting of the Council of Ministers, depending on the size of the agglomeration, the rate of water charges were to vary from 15 (in settlements to 50 thousand inhabitants) to 40 cents per cubic meter of water from surface or underground. According to the analysis of the Department of the environment, the increase in water charges for family of four had to average from 2 to 2.5 USD per month.

the Project also included the fee increase for farmers, industry or the energy industry.

in accordance with the criteria that widely serves

the interests of industry had to pay 70 cents for the consumption of one cubic meter of water from underground.. and 30 cents for consumption of cubic meters.. surface water. Resort environment, wanted to similar charges related industry napojowej, that is 70 g for consumption of underground water and 35 ml for surface water; the project was supposed to be 70 cents.

Charges were to bear some farmers taking more than 5 thousand. liters of water per day (średniorocznie). According to the preliminary project, the stakes had to be 30 cents for one cubic meters of extracted ground water and 15 g or more per cubic meters taken from the surface of the water. Field irrigation by means of pumps should be covered by a rate of 15 cents per cubic meter. abstracted groundwater.

Treks had to touch also the breeders of the fish. The project envisaged that the rates will be for ponds (from 1 to 1.5 rubles per hectare of pond, on a quarterly basis), to production using groundwater from 100 to 125 rubles per quarter.

In case of energy the project involved, in particular 70 g per meter cube. the difference between the amount of groundwater taken for this purpose and quantity of water from cooling circuits of power plants or CHP – input to the water or land; 0,35 Euro per 1 cubic meter. the difference between the amount of surface water taken for those purposes and the quantity of water from cooling circuits of power plants.

the Project involved also creation of the Commission “lost water”. Base rate of duty was to be in year 1 PLN per square meter. the asphalt surface. Should be, but they are ten times less if the local authority lead will be investment, associated with fluid retention.


From the epidermis, through the egg, until the mouse. It’s not sci-fi, only the recent experiment by Japanese scientists – Policy

a New method of obtaining eggs and healthy offspring, have inspired commentators around the world. Mostly OST piewcy use in medicine stem cells because to them it is a team of scientists from Japan put his experiment.

generally Speaking, it was in the first phase on przeprogramowaniu skin cells into embryonic stem cells which were derived germ cells that were grown from them Mature oocytes were subjected to in vitro fertilization and end poczęto healthy organisms.

this Whole procedure – and article published in “Nature” is applicable in the case of the mice, not people. But the voices, which opens up the loophole for the possibility of procreation, which still remained in the circle of science fiction. This once again shows the way in which modern science, and which is not going to turn around. Is there a possibility that give us stem cells obtained from the depths of our body, not as early embryos (which was regularly made against the ardent defenders of life from the so-called conception) – soon we will be able to use infertility treatment? I am inclined to believe that, Yes.

the experiment described in the famous letter research referenced today no less authoritative agencies, conducted by researchers from the Kyushu University in Fukuoce was not in any way made? This is the first question that presses on the lips after many wpadkach associated with cloning and such similar studies, the authors of which in years past were Asians. Let’s assume that Professor Katsuhiko Hayashi for fraud, however, should not be. Many will consider him for the master, playing God (or criticism will take into account that the experiment involved laboratory mice, not people?), but from an ethical point of view, did not commit any abuses.

the idea was, the consent of the ethics Committee, and a team of colleagues with open minds and heroines – rodents who cope with the data of the enterprises of the study, as it is this method since time immemorial possible progress in biology and in medicine.

Recently, the birth of a boy three parents drew attention to the fact that friends see in the methods of in vitro fertilization intervention in the laws of nature, but removed from religion, moral laws can not stop the development of scientific research. Especially those aimed at creating new treatments or associated with the new application of scientific discoveries.

When in Catholic countries there is the objection part of the public opinion against such experiments and procedures, far less ethical resistance are scientists from Asia: China, Taiwan, South Korea or, as in this case, Japan. It is in that part of the world today leads most of the analyses on zarodkach and stem cells, which can lead to the fact that access to the modern technologies of conservative Europeans and Americans will be forced in the future to pay dearly.

the Technology used on mice, through which were born healthy specimens from eggs (which de facto had no right to occur in normal conditions), yet only gives hope that women completely lost the function of the ovaries will be able to rely in the future on their own. What is possible today in lab animals doesn’t always work in humans – biology is too complex to wave a magic wand to transfer the results of experiments with rodents to humans.

But when the first step, as it is today the grounds will be done, nothing will stop others before to continue the research and sooner or later they will go on people. Some won’t like it. I hope they are in the minority.


ExoMars mission reached Mars. After a while, the landing of the selection of Schiaparelli. As will be? – Interfax

This is the first landing on Mars since 2012, when she arrived, the mission of the American space Agency NASA of the Curiosity Rover.

Current expedition was prepared by the European Space Agency ESA, its share in the Russian space Agency.

Sample Schiaparelli fall to the Red Planet on Wednesday 19 October “OK”. 16:48 of our time. Landing – from the moment of entry into marsjańską atmosphere for landing – will take hardly less than 6 minutes. At this time, will be commissioned only for themselves. If he makes a mistake, people will not be able to help him. From the Ground it was separated by 175 million km – the radio signal overcomes the distance in 9 minutes, 45 seconds.

on your feet

So engineers at the European Space Agency (ESA four years Russia is its member) made planned and programmed.

Sunday 577-pound Schiaparelli was separated from the 3.7-ton ship, a mother and a sharp flight balistycznym sped toward the red Planet. Still an hour before entering the atmosphere of Mars will be in sleep mode to save power.

in accordance with the plan of waking up on Sunday approx. at 15:40. Then the onboard computer will bring to life the landing sequence and to prepare all the instruments aboard – navigation, telecommunication, camera, sensors, responsible for monitoring the position of the vessel, the parachute and the engine.

Ok. 121 km above the surface of the red Planet Schiaparelli gets in its rare atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, the atmospheric pressure at the surface of the planet is less than one-hundredth the pressure of earth). Will then be driven at a speed of about 21 thousand km/h over the next 3-4 minutes aerodynamically braking. It the bottom cover until warmed to a white heat, squeezing ourselves the atmosphere and slow burn.

Despite the fact that the Martian atmosphere is a hundred times rarer than the earth, it is friction sharply to return to this subject Schiaparellego. At the height of 11 km above the surface the machine will slow down to a speed of 1.7 thousand km/h Then, too, in less than a second (!) unfold the parachute. After 40 h, when stabiliziruemost rozkołysany the opening of the dome flying, Schiaparelli rejects lower nadpaloną portion of the housing, the aerodynamic. Presents Doppler radar begins to measure the speed and altitude of the lander.

a Minute later, at an altitude of approx. 3 km, Schiaparelli launches the camera. Will make 15 black-and-white photographs of the airfields on which the plains of Meridiani Temporale (or rather, part of an area of a total of 1.5 thousand people. HP kW.) located slightly beneath the Martian equator. ESA by the way, the area is recognized and obfotografowany, because for many years over the red Planet and its satellite Mars Express.

the Camera will stop off at a height of approx 1.5 km and 300 m below Schiaparelli once I jettisoned the parachute and the top cover. The apparatus is then lowered at a speed of 250 km/h a Second later, it activates the nine engines, limiting working hydrazyną.

Barely 2 m above the surface of the red Planet Schiaparelli will be hanging in the stillness. Then he switched off the engines and just falls into the Martian soil. Before a hard landing will protect him built like a honeycomb crumple zone. The feet of the lander will allow him means to become on uneven surfaces with slopes up to 12.5 degrees and is covered with stones up to 40 cm

Run ląinstruments on MarsESA/Interfax

Mother will live longer

Schiaparelli will survive on Mars for a few days until he has enough amperage in the battery. It will be during this time were measured, and weather conditions at the landing site.

however, its main task is… landing experience. ESA wants to try a new method of exact embedding lądowników used in 2020, when I shall send on the Red Planet, the Rover.

Schiaparelli, therefore, has the same job as belonging to the NASA Pathfinder, which fell on Mars in summer

1997. Fell literally after disconnecting his parachute buffered falling around him tightly a set of airbags. NASA then used this method when future Mars missions.

Your task is also the mother ship of the mission ExoMars. Monday included a brake motor (worked for 1 min 46 sec), which was rescued from a very hard blow to the Red Planet. Wednesday, 15:05 then on again braking – this time its engines should work exactly 139 minutes. Due to the fact that successfully went into orbit around Mars.

over the next five years from a height of several hundred kilometers will be explored that on Mars there was life exists. To perform accurate shots its surface, and check that the Martian soil is water, and check that in the atmosphere there is methane.

Methane in the atmosphere of the red Planet with gas more than on Earth – its concentration there is nearly 10 parts per billion. But since it is decomposed for approx. 400 years, scientists believe that there must be some mechanism to replenish it. It is also known that in some places of methane more than others, and sometimes it appears suddenly, as if Mars was doing a deep breath. Maybe that’s why the source of methane on the fourth planet of the Solar System are the anaerobic microorganisms?

Around to the goal

ExoMars Mission is a project of the European-Russian. Russian helped her ascension into orbit, and “gave her a kick” in the direction of the red Planet. On 15 March the ship was made from Baikonur rocket “proton”. This is a real kolubryna at the start weighed more than 4 thousand. tons. In the 60-ies. Soviet engineers designed it to transport Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Since the 70-ies. however the purposes of scientific research.

Despite the fact that the ExoMars mission is now “OK”. 175 million km from Earth, it is in the way to the goal beat to 496 million kilometers. Space travel, does not pass for straight. Sometimes the probe repeatedly to and fro the Earth and other celestial bodies, which gives her a speed and to save fuel. Well, at the same time revolve of course around the Sun. Because in space everything revolves.

1.3 billion euros should be worth two European-Russian ExoMars missions – present and that which we will send in 2020.

Russia also makes a presence in ESA

In the development of research tools the mission participated in the Space Research Centre PAN, Warsaw, and the Polish company Creotech Instruments SA and VIGO System SA. CBK, in collaboration with Creotechem released a camera mounted on the ship-mother. Company VIGO created infrared sensors, which the French and the Germans installed the monitoring system cover the boat. Responsibility to ESA for Schiaparellego French engineer Thierry Blancquaert wanted to involve the cooperation of the Polish manufacturer of parachutes. This is not, however, was interested.

the Key mission on the Red Planet

  • 1964: the First probe Mariner 4 flies by and sends photographs
  • 1971: Mariner 9 – first Mars satellite
  • 1976. The first successful landing of Viking twins samples
  • 1997: On the planet’s surface settles Mars Pathfinder small Rover Sojourner, and in orbit comes Global Surveyor
  • 2001: Mars Odyssey orbiter appears
  • 2003: the New satellite becomes Mars Express.
  • 2004: Landing on the Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity
  • 2005: Over starts to circulate Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
  • 2007: At the extreme North of the earth Phoenix
  • 2012 In the Gale crater Curiosity Rover settles

Is a great reference. Watch us broadcast the attempted landing on Mars – TVN Meteo

the Historic landing attempt on Mars will be held at 17.15 Moscow time. This event Europe begins a new era of studies of the red Planet. Probe ExoMars2016, a collaboration between European Space Agency and the Federation odpowiedniczki Roscosmos, przemierzająca since March, the Solar System, I am ashamed at Sunday, November 16, into two parts. On 19 October it is planned to achieve one of them, the boat Schiaparelli, on the surface of the red Planet.

Schiaparelli task is to land safely on the planet’s surface and test a number of technologies that will be needed for the deployment in 2020 of the European all-terrain vehicle (type of space probe that has the ability to move across the surface of the object, which landed), and will be used in manned missions. The unit should perform several additional meteorological measurements, analysis of wind speed, humidity, pressure and temperature on Mars, as well as to obtain the first measurements of the electric field on its surface. These data may help to explain how there are Martian dust storms. the

Historic moment

As will be the most important phase of the mission?

Initially, Schiaparelli start wytracać speed using the aerodynamic protective heat. At an altitude of 11 km, at a speed of 1650 km/h programmed to open the parachute, which should reduce speed to 250 km/h. Later, the device rejects the front cover and include a Doppler radar altimeter and a speed meter to determine its position and velocity relative to Mars.

At an altitude of about 1 km, where the deviation of the rear heat shield and parachute are working should be three engines on liquid fuel, to reduce the speed to less than 7 km/h At a height of 2 meters above the surface the motors are disabled and the device will fall to the Martian

soil. The drop has a lock from a special structure at the bottom of the lander. The whole procedure from entry to arrival is less than 6 minutes. It happen approximately at 17 o’clock Moscow time.


the Time of landing provided h. 17.15 Moscow time, however, stream the whole event will last for 15 hours already. You can watch it with us.

Not the first time

still on Mars was sent 13 lądowników and skaters from Russia, the Us and the UK. Some of these devices, faced the planet’s surface, or linkage is broken. However, many of them worked properly and transmitting data. Currently, two machines of this type continue to provide information about Mars is the American Opportunity and Curiosity. the

parts of Poland

In the framework of the ExoMars used items located in Poland. On Board the lander Schiaparelli has installed infrared sensors manufactured by Vigo System SA of kraków. These detectors ESA used to create radiometrów in a system designed to monitor the outer shell of the lifeboat.

In the Space Research Centre PAN, Warsaw was designed and built power supply for cameras Cassis. The batteries mounted it on behalf of the Institute of the Polish company Creotech Instruments SA. The camera has to run color photos of the Martian surface in high resolution. With its help, will be photographed rocks included scientists with the contents of trace quantities of gases.


Great day space mission ExoMars, if Schiaparelii landing today on Mars? – TVN Meteo

Europe begins a new era in Mars exploration. Probe ExoMars2016, a collaboration between European Space Agency and the Federation odpowiedniczki Roscosmos, przemierzająca since March, the Solar System, split Sunday, November 16, into two parts. On 19 October it is planned to achieve one of them, the boat Schiaparelli, on the surface of the red Planet.

Schiaparelli task is to land safely on the planet’s surface and test a number of technologies that will be needed for the deployment in 2020 of the European all-terrain vehicle (type of space probe that has the ability to move across the surface of the object, which landed), and will be used in manned missions. The unit should perform several additional meteorological measurements, analysis of wind speed, humidity, pressure and temperature on Mars, as well as to obtain the first measurements of the electric field on its surface. These data may help to explain how there are Martian dust storms.

parts of Poland

In the framework of the ExoMars used items located in Poland. On Board the lander Schiaparelli has installed infrared sensors manufactured by Vigo System SA of kraków. These detectors ESA used to create radiometrów in a system designed to monitor the outer shell of the boat.

In the Space Research Centre PAN, Warsaw was designed and built power supply for cameras Cassis. The batteries mounted it on behalf of the Institute of the Polish company Creotech Instruments SA. The camera has to run color photos of the Martian surface in high resolution. With its help, will be photographed rocks included scientists with the contents of trace quantities of gases.



As will be the most important phase of the mission?

Initially, Schiaparelli start wytracać speed using the aerodynamic protective heat. At an altitude of 11 km, at a speed of 1650 km/h programmed to open the parachute, which should reduce speed to 250 km/h. Later, the device rejects the front cover and include a Doppler radar altimeter and a speed meter to determine its position and velocity relative to Mars.

At an altitude of about 1 km, where the deviation of the rear heat shield and parachute are working should be three engines on liquid fuel, to reduce the speed to less than 7 km/h At a height of 2 meters above the surface the motors are disabled and the device will fall to the Martian soil. The drop has a lock from a special structure at the bottom of the lander. The whole procedure from entry to arrival is less than 6 minutes. It happen approximately at 17 o’clock Moscow time.

Not the first time

still on Mars was sent 13 lądowników and skaters from Russia, the Us and the UK. Some of these devices, faced the planet’s surface, or linkage is broken. However, many of them worked properly and transmitting data. Currently, two machines of this type continue to provide information about Mars is the American Opportunity and Curiosity. JPolski


On Wednesday, the European landing on Mars. Schiaparelli will find life on the red Planet

ExoMars Mission lead: European Space Agency (ESA) and the Space Agency of the Russian Federation, the Federal space Agency. The project consists of two stages. The first stage included the launch of the orbital Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and the lander Entry, Descent and landing demonstrator Module (EDM), known as the list. they were taken into space from the Baikonur cosmodrome on 14 March 2016. and sent to Mars together. In turn, the second stage would rely on to launch in 2020 lander with Rover to study egzobiologicznych and geochemical on the surface of Mars.

on the morning of Thursday (hours 9:00) ESA has planned a press-conference at which will make conducted maneuvers.

the Principal scientific objectives the mission: to search for possible traces of life on Mars (current or former, name of the mission is establishing for this task), a study of the distribution of water at different depths, surface exploration and identify potential threats to future manned missions, conducted under the ground surface, to better understand the evolution of Mars.

technological Goals and this: check the high landing platform on Mars, testing the use of solar energy on the planet’s surface, drilling in the Martian soil at a depth of 2 meters, testing solutions for generations of Martian Rovers.

within the framework of the ExoMars mission use elements built in Poland. The Space Research Centre PAN, Warsaw was designed and built power supply for camera, Cassis, and batteries mounted it on behalf of the Institute of the Polish company Creotech Instruments S. A., in turn, on Board of the lander has installed infrared sensors manufactured by Vigo System S. A. ” from Ożarów Mazowiecki. These detectors ESA used to create radiometrów ICOTOM in the system COMARS+, designed for monitoring of the outer shell of the lifeboat.

on Sunday, three days before the scheduled landing, Schiaparelli separated from the probe Trace Gas Orbiter. 12 hours after disconnecting the oxygen sensor to adjust its course to avoid entering the atmosphere and to be in orbit around Mars. In turn, Schiaparelli was still in sleep mode to reduce energy consumption. Wakes up only for a short time before entering the atmosphere of Mars, which will occur at the height of 122,5 km and at a speed of about 21 thousand km/h.

Wednesday, October 19, will begin planting. First, Schiaparelli will be wytracać speed using the aerodynamic protective heat. At an altitude of 11 km, at a speed of 1650 km/h, it opens the parachute, which should reduce speed to 250 km/h Then the machine rejects the front cover and include a Doppler radar altimeter and a speed meter to determine its position and velocity relative to Mars.

At an altitude of about 1 km, where the deviation of the rear heat shield and parachute, will be launched with three engines on liquid fuel (using hydrazyny), to reduce the speed to less than 7 km/h At a height of 2 meters above the surface the motors are disabled and the device will fall to the Martian soil. The drop has a lock from a special structure at the bottom of the lander. The whole procedure from entry to arrival is less than six minutes.

As the landing site was selected plains of Meridiani Temporale, close to the position where in 2004 he landed the American Mars Rover Opportunity. In this area there are old layers hematytów (iron oxides), which in the case of the Earth arise in an environment containing liquid water. Furthermore, it is known that this area is safe for landing.

– the Signal from the lander will be delivered to the Ground through the Orbiter Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). This will help also other sensors currently circulating around Mars, European Mars Express and U.S. Mars Reconnaissaince Orbiter. ESA expects to receive about 100 megabits of data from the lander, including 50 megabit scientific data.

Schiaparelli first to test the process of landing, but also will be used scientifically. Instruments, scientific they must work for two to four days after planting.

DREAMS (Dust Characterization, Risk Assessment, and Environment Analyser on the Martian Surface) will be using several sensors to explore the environment, to measure wind speed, direction, humidity, pressure, temperature, transparency of the atmosphere, the electric field in the atmosphere. In turn, AMELIA will collect data during atmospheric entry and landing. A set of tools COMARS+ is used to control heat on the back cover Schiaparelliego when it flew through the atmosphere. In addition, on surface lander, which will focus zenitowi, a small set of laser reflectors, called INRRI, which will serve as the target for the orbital laser probes to search the boat.

in turn, the orbital probe will be primarily research, content and distribution of methane and other trace gases in the Martian atmosphere such as water vapor, nitrogen dioxide, acetylene. Will also track their variability at different times of the year.

lander Schiaparelli has a weight of 577 pounds. The other half is for the correct platform of the lander, 46 kg is fuel, the rest is, in particular, heat shields, allowing it to survive temperatures that during flight through the atmosphere can reach 1750 degrees Celsius. The external size is 2.4 meters width and 1.8 meters in height, in turn, is hidden inside the platform of the lander measures 1.7 meters.

the First years of the project ExoMars was not easy, changes also continued in a concept that will fly to Mars. On this kind of mission started to think in 2001 under the project Aurora. Originally, the project was approved by ESA in 2005. Initially, the launch was to take place in 2011 from Kourou in French Guiana with the help of the carrier rocket ” Soyuz-2b/Frigates, landing in 2013. However, due to the failure of the American probe, Mars Global Surveyor and uncertainty in the possibility of another American probe orbiting Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to transmit a signal to Earth in 2006, it was agreed that the ExoMars project also included an extra satellite, and will be in 2013, Ariane 5.

but Later abandoned this idea and ESA signed an agreement with Roskosmosem, and the planned launch vehicle changed to the Russian proton. However, this was not the end of the adventure, because very soon it was established cooperation with NASA, called the Mars Exploration Joint Initiative and divided the project into a probe of orbital and chose two that had to endure American Atlas V rocket, and the method of planting would be similar to the American solution of the mission Mars Science Laboratory.

nevertheless, in 2012. NASA abandoned the ExoMars project, and again sent to Russia (the carrier rocket proton-M), and Roscosmos has been a full partner of the project. In September 2015 delayed start due to a faulty sensor in the drive system of the boat Schiaparelli. In turn, in January 2016. it was announced that for financial reasons the second phase of the mission will have to be shifted and in the end it was decided for 2020.

in the end the first mission managed to launch into space March 14, 2016. from Baikonur with a proton rocket.

After all these changes are currently in the first phase of the mission, ESA is responsible for the probe’s orbital Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and the lander Schiaparelli, while the Federal space Agency for launch vehicle and two of the scientific instruments on Board TGO. In the second stage, the Russian space Agency will also provide a launch from Earth using rockets “proton”, prepare the machine and a few scientific instruments for the Mars Rover, in turn, ESA will develop an all-terrain vehicle and part of its scientific instruments.

the Value of the mission of the European Space Agency will be 1.3 billion euros.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

[PR] Universal navigation Garmin GPSMAP 276Cx –

GPSMAP 276Cx is a new version of the popular universal navigation GPS 276C, which in 2004 used on land and on the water. 276Cx provides all the features appreciated in the previous model, powerful the latest technological solutions. Service satellite systems GPS, HotFix technology and optional external antenna provide fast and accurate positioning. The new model features a large 5-inch, easy to read even in bright sunlight the display, barometric altimeter and 3 – axis compass.


Many mounting options with power options, power Li-ion battery and the ability to use AA batteries, make that navigation GPSMAP 276Cx easy to use and functional. The device can be safely operated in unstable locations, such as boat or vehicle.

Memory card:

the Device has a large internal memory capacity of 8 GB pre-loaded basemap of the whole world and recreational maps of Europe and free one-year subscription to BirdsEye satellite imagery. The device supports a variety of additional maps, such as BlueChart® g2 HD, topographic maps, Garmin TOPO and TOPO PRO, detailed city plans with City Navigator® NT, own maps for Garmin raster maps and BirdsEye Select. MicroSD™ slot for expandable memory where you can install additional cards.




GPSMAP 276Cx provides the latest solutions in the field of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Thanks to the Active Weather3 on the device screen displays the current weather forecast and animated weather changes, to always be aware of upcoming conditions. Cooperation with the mobile Garmin Connect app installed on compatible smartphone provides automatic data transfer, smart notifications and LiveTrack more. 276Cx established the connection of ANT+® for collaboration with external sensors.

the Strength and simplicity of operation

Large, easy to read display, convenient control buttons and an intuitive interface with customizable make navigation GPSMAP 276Cx exceptionally easy to use. It is very durable, compliant waterproof IPX74 and offers a proven and reliable system installation. It can be connected to the power socket in car or boat or to use a lithium-ion battery (up to 17 hours), and even an extra 3 AA batteries (up to 9 hours).

Navigation GPSMAP 276Cx will be available for sale in Russia in the IV quarter of 2016.


The poles, however, rich. New GeForce’y we have more than Germany and France – Pay’s Web

Nvidia introduced it is a cheap graphics card for gamers. If you have a very limited budget, but you want to play the latest games, you should be interested in models of GeForce GTX and GeForce GTX 1050 1050 Ti.

these Models are suitable for not very demanding users who want to play the latest games in FullHD resolution. Economical for people who want to spend on equipment to play a relatively small amount, and they know that less consumption, which means more modest capabilities. These are actually much smaller. Already at the specifications, you can see a big difference compared to GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB, on more powerful models, not to mention.

GeForce GTX 1050 (also in the Ti version) is not up to games 2K, 4K or VR.

GeForce GTX 1050 Ti based on the system GP107 equipped with 768 CUDA processors, 48 texture units and 32 ROP-s. Core clock frequency is 1290 MHz, but thanks to the technology of GPU Boost 3.0 rises to 1392 MHz. – Works with 4 GB of memory GDDR5, running at bus width of 128-bits. These parameters in combination with the memory frequency at the level of 7000 MHz affect throughput, equal to 112 MB/sec.

GeForce GTX 1050 is the model even weaker. Here chip GP107 has 650 CUDA processors, 40 texture units and 32 ROP-s. Higher core clock frequency, which is 1354 MHz and can automatically increase up to 1455 MHz. Is used here only 2 GB of GDDR5 memory 128-bit. Also in this case, its operating frequency and bandwidth, the cost of sequentially 7000 MHz and 112 MB/sec.

src="" title=" GeForce GTX 1050" width="650">

GeForce GTX 1050 this card is a miniature. Will fit in any case.

the New y GeForce’GTX and GTX 1050 1050 Ti have chips made at the 14-nanometer process technology. It’s resulted in low energy consumption. Factor TDP of both cards is 75 V, so they require no additional power for PCI-Expess. This, combined with the small size, has led to the fact that the new GeForce’y can be used in a miniature ITX enclosures. Therefore, the ideal choice for people who build simple and not too expensive computers HTPC media type.

GeForce GTX 1050 will cost 590 rubles, and the GTX 1050 Ti much more because 730 UAH.

the Word login will add that it is very overpriced, about 50 rubles higher than in the case of countries outside the Euro area. The cost of this means that these models will be priced to compete with various versions of Radeon RX 460 and have a chance to win this fight. Trade press needs to publish the results of tests of the new Nvidia cards more this month, probably for a week.

However, if you can spend on a video card less than 700 rubles, now worth to consider buying it one of these models. Modern architecture and a reasonable ratio of price and performance contribute to the fact that they will be snapped up in the rich parts of the world, also in Poland. There will be nothing surprising in this, because earlier models GeForce GTX 750, 750 Ti and 950 came in the many meadows of the Vistula computers.


Thursday Schiaparelii lands on Mars – TVN Meteo

Initially, Schiaparelli will be wytracać speed using the aerodynamic protective heat. At an altitude of 11 km, at a speed of 1650 km/h, it opens the parachute, which should reduce speed to 250 km/h. Later, the device rejects the front cover and include a Doppler radar altimeter and a speed meter to determine its position and velocity relative to Mars.
At an altitude of about 1 km, where the deviation of the rear heat shield and parachute, will be launched with three engines on liquid fuel, to reduce the speed to less than 7 km/h At a height of 2 meters above the surface the motors are disabled and the device will fall to the Martian soil. The drop has a lock from a special structure at the bottom of the lander. The whole procedure from entry to arrival is less than six minutes. the


Apparatus Schiaparelli EDM (full name is the Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module) has the task to land safely on the planet’s surface and test a number of technologies which in the future can be used in manned missions. Performs, in addition, several meteorological measurements. Is to perform wind speed, humidity, pressure and temperature on Mars, as well as to obtain the first measurements of the electric field on its surface. These data may help to explain how there are Martian dust storms.

still on Mars was sent 13 lądowników and skaters from Russia, the Us and the UK.

Some of these devices, faced the planet’s surface, or linkage is broken. However, many of them worked properly and transmitting data. Currently, two machines of this type continue to provide information about Mars is the American Opportunity and Curiosity.His mission on Mars will last for several days, to make full use of energy stored in onboard batteries.


In the framework of the ExoMars used items located in Poland. On Board the lander Schiaparelli has installed infrared sensors manufactured by Vigo System SA of kraków. These detectors ESA used to create radiometrów in a system designed to monitor the outer shell of the lifeboat.
In the Space Research Centre PAN, Warsaw was designed and built power supply for cameras Cassis. The batteries mounted it on behalf of the Institute of the Polish company Creotech Instruments SA.
the Camera has to run color photos of the Martian surface in high resolution. With its help, will be photographed rocks included scientists with the contents of trace quantities of gases. the

Gear fit

From the hour 13 we can watch the landing here: ESA Social TV stream


Shares Netfliksa increased strongly up after the closing session. Where’s the leap? –

This is the latest data on the number of subscribers of the site caused a burst of optimism. In the third quarter growth was recorded at 3.2 million accounts (in total, Netflix already has 86.7 million accounts worldwide). It is much more than originally anticipated.

Their contribution to the success of dorzuciły great TV shows that draw on the website a lot of new viewers. We are talking in particular about the Narcos do Stranger Things. And then there is the performances from the Netflix Originals thus, the potential seems huge.

Increase subscribers baseóNetfliksa in  the third quarter of 2016source: Bloomberg

the Attention of investors is associated with Netfliksem focused on two factors: the growth prospects of the global dimension as well as a huge amount of money pumped into new productions.Only this year will be used for this purpose up to $ 5 billion.

src=",Akcje-Netfliksa.jpg">photo Yahoo

Previous quarter was not so happy. Of the planned 2.5 million new subscribers globally, Netflix only made 1.7 million (30% less than planned), this site CEO, reed Hastings, apologized to the investors, explaining that the company is indeed growing, but not as fast as originally anticipated.

see also: Created a force Netfliksa. What are his plans for our country?

Less than a month ago Netflix has officially made its debut in Poland, and in the service began appearing in Polish edition of movies and TV shows. Latest unofficial reports say the introduction of this year, functions in standalone mode, it is possible to download and view videos from the service without having Internet connection.


załogowa the longest space flight in China’s history – Polish Radio

aboard the Shenzhou 11 two astronauts – commander Jing Haipeng and Cheng Dong. Over the next two days should they be found in space lab Tiangong-2, which means “heavenly Palace”. The module is part of was built according to Chinese manned space station.

the Astronauts will perform in space a month, the longest in the history of Chinese manned spaceflight. Will explore the effectiveness of the system and the processes associated with a medium-term stay in space. They will also conduct and monitor scientific experiments, including medical ones.



the development of the space program is a priority of the Chinese authorities. In 2021, the State Inside wants to send a probe to Mars, and three years later to send to the moon manned spacecraft.

IAR, PAP, kk


25 Nov will show Xiaomi smartphone Mi Note 2 with a 5.7 inch screen and 6 GB of RAM

Xiaomi has already begun the delivery of invitations to the conference in Beijing, where the manufacturer will introduce a new model of its smartphone.

the Event is scheduled for October 25 this year, Xiaomi has also confirmed in the social network facebook, Weibo, where the company thanked its customers for a long time of waiting for another flagship brand, the predecessor of Mi Note 2 appeared because on the market in January last year.

According to unofficial information Mi Note 2 will be equipped with a display diagonal of 5.7 inches, a 4-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 821, 6 GB of RAM type LPDDR4 and 128 or 256 GB.

On the rear panel of the smartphone will be available in dual camera, and the battery will offer a capacity of 4000 mAh. The user will USB type-C connector, and Dual-SIM feature allows you to use the phone with two calling


while not known for the introduction of Mi Note 2 for sale, the mystery remains and the price of the smartphone.

Recently, the company Xiaomi has launched the official sale of their devices in Poland, so there is a chance that Mi Note 2 will also arrive for distribution in our country.

Author: ps

more details: Xiaomi Mi Note, Xiaomi smartphone, Xiaomi


Monday, October 17, 2016

The Japanese have created oocytes from skin! This opens the way for medical science fiction – Interfax

In a paper published Monday in the journal Nature, scientists from Kyushu University in Fukuoce announce that they managed to create eggs from skin. In short, in his laboratory has recreated the natural process of formation and maturation of the egg, completely out of the body hole of the mother, and the whole process they started with skin cells from an adult DOE.

the experiment

Group Katsuhiko Hayashi took a mouse from adult females, the skin cells of the tail. Using the already familiar ways, to throw them into their biological time – przeprogramowali to formed of these cells, which have characteristics of embryonic stem cells. This means that as well as from the embryo, can them start any cells and tissues of the body.

Exposing them to the action of selected substances, scientists have received of them so-called precursors of eggs. Before they reached maturity, need some incentive. The Japanese positioned between the cells obtained from the ovaries of mouse fetuses and, ultimately stimulated immature eggs to develop. Due to this, scientists received more than 4 thousand. the fully ripe eggs.

to conclude that they are healthy and in full, some of them zapłodniono in vitro. Thus, the researchers have created more than 1,300 embryos that were implanted in the rat “foster mothers.” Born from eight mice. Was fertile and can spend on the world the next generation.

the next photo shows 11-month-old mice born from eggs created entirely outside the mother’s body laboratory in Japan:

11 monthsęan exclusive mouse,  które bornły się of eggs, created  outside the mother's bodyK. Hayashi, Kyushu Univ.

This is a remarkable achievement. For the first time managed to create an effective egg from skin cells

Hayashi is working on creating eggs for many years. Four years ago, announced that he managed to grow primitive cells gametyczne – that is, not the egg, but such that embryos develop normally in the egg.

the Fact that this technique will be used to create human eggs, it seems only a matter of time, but so far human studies are not conducted in Japan, because the local laws prohibit the ability of the modified human germ cells for research purposes. Experience shows, however, that sooner or later such

experiments will take place somewhere else.

- I do Not think that it was more difficult than in the case of mice, says in “Nature” Jacob Hanna, a biologist from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

Similar reprogramming of human cells can be used in the treatment of infertility – to give hope to have children to those women who has completely lost the ovaries, for example, as a result of malignancy

a Breakthrough in infertility treatment?

As in the case of an obstacle in moving research on mice is that stimulation of stem cells to develop into a Mature egg, and demanded the use of fetal tissues. In the case that one finds, it is probably ethical barriers, so you need another method.

it is also known to end as a healthy offspring was obtained from the “artificial” eggs. Of the eight mice that were born, two were eaten by the mother. There are many reasons why this can happen but one of them is the fact that our mom realized that children have no chance of survival.

the Children of two fathers

Theoretically, the same method can be used to create egg cells from male cells. The team of Professor Hayashi also took cells from the tails of mice males. The thus created cells obumierały however, at a certain stage of development, probably because the male chromosome, which prevented them from further division.

Cytowani “New Scientist” experts, however, claim that after the removal of cells can divide normally, leading to the formation of oocytes obtained from the male. In the case of using human cells, it would mean that the two men could have progeny.

it is also Worth noting that a few years ago, this same group of Japanese scientists, in the same way created in the lab from skin cells into fully functional sperm. They also “gave birth” to the next generation of mice.

Modern medicine has more in common with what until recently was pure science fiction.

Source: Nature, New Scientist, BBC News


Samsung Russia announced a replacement program phones Galaxy Note 7 – Virtual Russia

the Company is asking all owners of this phone for the preparation of copies of the data, the discharge device and disabling it. The replacement program will begin next Wednesday, October 19. The company has taken this step due to a security concern customers – we can read in a special statement.

Customers will have the choice of two possibilities. Replacement Note7 on Galaxy S7 Edge, along with covering the difference in price in the form of a voucher or refund Note7. In the latter case, the purchase cannot be placed with a later date than 11.10 2016.

In order to ensure the most comfortable of the exchange process, Samsung says it will communicate with all customers individually. At the same time,

the company reports that the issue affects only models Note7. Ensures that all devices are secure. On the manufacturer’s website we can read also apologize for the incurred inconvenience and for the lack of provision to users, respectively, of a high standard. In case of questions or doubts, you can contact Samsungiem by phone 801 672 678 or +48 22 607 93 33.


As will be landing on Mars. Zero hour – Wednesday – Interfax

Sample Schiaparelli fall to the Red Planet on Wednesday 19 October “OK”. 16:48 of our time. Landing – from the moment of entry into marsjańską atmosphere for landing – will take hardly less than 6 minutes. At this time, will be commissioned only for themselves. If he makes a mistake, people will not be able to help him. From the Ground it was separated by 175 million km – the radio signal overcomes the distance in 9 minutes, 45 seconds.

on your feet

So engineers at the European Space Agency (ESA four years Russia is its member) made planned and programmed.

Sunday 577-pound Schiaparelli was separated from the 3.7-ton ship, a mother and a sharp flight balistycznym sped toward the red Planet. Still an hour before entering the atmosphere of Mars will be in sleep mode to save power.

in accordance with the plan will Wake up on Sunday approx. at 15:40. The onboard computer will bring to life the landing sequence and to prepare all the instruments aboard – navigation, telecommunication, camera, sensors, responsible for monitoring the position of the vessel, the parachute and the engine.

Ok. 121 km above the surface of the red Planet Schiaparelli gets in its rare atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, the atmospheric pressure at the surface of the planet is less than one-hundredth the pressure of earth). Will then be driven at a speed of about 21 thousand km/h over the next 3-4 minutes aerodynamically braking. It the bottom cover until warmed to a white heat, squeezing ourselves the atmosphere and slow burn.

Despite the fact that the Martian atmosphere is a hundred times rarer than the earth, it is friction sharply to return to this subject Schiaparellego. At the height of 11 km above the surface the machine will slow down to a speed of 1.7 thousand km/h Then, too, in less than a second (!) unfold the parachute. After 40 h, when stabiliziruemost rozkołysany the opening of the dome flying, Schiaparelli rejects lower nadpaloną portion of the housing, the aerodynamic. Presents Doppler radar begins to measure the speed and altitude of the lander.

a Minute later, at an altitude of approx. 3 km, Schiaparelli launches the camera. Will make 15 black-and-white photographs of the airfields on which the plains of Meridiani Temporale (or rather, part of an area of a total of 1.5 thousand people. HP kW.) located slightly beneath the Martian equator. ESA by the way, the area is recognized and obfotografowany, because for many years over the red Planet and its satellite Mars Express.

the Camera will stop off at a height of approx 1.5 km and 300 m below Schiaparelli once I jettisoned the parachute and the top cover. The apparatus is then lowered at a speed of 250 km/h a Second later, it activates the nine engines, limiting working hydrazyną.

Barely 2 m above the surface of the red Planet Schiaparelli will be hanging in the stillness. Then he switched off the engines and just falls into the Martian soil. Before a hard landing will protect him built like a honeycomb crumple zone. The feet of the lander will allow him means to become on uneven surfaces with slopes up to 12.5 degrees and is covered with stones up to 40 cm

Run ląinstruments on MarsESA/Interfax

Mother will live longer

Schiaparelli will survive on Mars for a few days until he has enough amperage in the battery. It will be during this time were measured, and weather conditions at the landing site.

however, its main task is… landing experience. ESA wants to try a new method of exact embedding lądowników used in 2020, when I shall send on the Red Planet, the Rover.

Schiaparelli, therefore, has the same job as belonging to the NASA Pathfinder, which fell on Mars in summer 1997. Fell literally after disconnecting his parachute buffered falling around

him tightly a set of airbags. NASA then used this method when future Mars missions.

Your task is also the mother ship of the mission ExoMars. Monday included a brake motor (worked for 1 min 46 sec), which was rescued from a very hard blow to the Red Planet. Wednesday, 15:05 then on again braking – this time its engines should work exactly 139 minutes. Due to the fact that successfully went into orbit around Mars.

over the next five years from a height of several hundred kilometers will be explored that on Mars there was life exists. To perform accurate shots its surface, and check that the Martian soil is water, and check that in the atmosphere there is methane.

Methane in the atmosphere of the red Planet with gas more than on Earth – its concentration there is nearly 10 parts per billion. But since it is decomposed for approx. 400 years, scientists believe that there must be some mechanism to replenish it. It is also known that in some places of methane more than others, and sometimes it appears suddenly, as if Mars was doing a deep breath. Maybe that’s why the source of methane on the fourth planet of the Solar System are the anaerobic microorganisms?

Around to the goal

ExoMars Mission is a project of the European-Russian. Russian helped her ascension into orbit, and “gave her a kick” in the direction of the red Planet. On 15 March the ship was made from Baikonur rocket “proton”. This is a real kolubryna at the start weighed more than 4 thousand. tons. In the 60-ies. Soviet engineers designed it to transport Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Since the 70-ies. however the purposes of scientific research.

Despite the fact that the ExoMars mission is now “OK”. 175 million km from Earth, it is in the way to the goal beat to 496 million kilometers. Space travel, does not pass for straight. Sometimes the probe repeatedly to and fro the Earth and other celestial bodies, which gives her a speed and to save fuel. Well, at the same time revolve of course around the Sun. Because in space everything revolves.

1.3 billion euros should be worth two European-Russian ExoMars missions – present and that which we will send in 2020.

Russia also makes a presence in ESA

In the development of research tools the mission participated in the Space Research Centre PAN, Warsaw, and the Polish company Creotech Instruments SA and VIGO System SA. CBK, in collaboration with Creotechem released a camera mounted on the ship-mother. Company VIGO created infrared sensors, which the French and the Germans installed the monitoring system cover the boat. Responsibility to ESA for Schiaparellego French engineer Thierry Blancquaert wanted to involve the cooperation of the Polish manufacturer of parachutes. This is not, however, was interested.

the Key mission on the Red Planet

  • 1964: the First probe Mariner 4 flies by and sends photographs
  • 1971: Mariner 9 – first Mars satellite
  • 1976. The first successful landing of Viking twins samples
  • 1997: On the planet’s surface settles Mars Pathfinder small Rover Sojourner, and in orbit comes Global Surveyor
  • 2001: Mars Odyssey orbiter appears
  • 2003: the New satellite becomes Mars Express.
  • 2004: Landing on the Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity
  • 2005: Over starts to circulate Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
  • 2007: At the extreme North of the earth Phoenix
  • 2012 In the Gale crater Curiosity Rover settles

Is smartphone Allview Viper V2′s for the price of 1099 RUB

the Company Allview has unveiled a new smartphone V2 Viper’s 5.5-inch screen, 8 core processor and 3 GB of RAM. The device is currently available in pre-sale, the stores will be in November.

the Manufacturer said that the new smartphone supports 4G Dual Mode in both FDD and TDD standards. In addition, files over 20 MB are downloaded faster thanks to the Turbo Download, which is used simultaneously with Wi-Fi and 4G/3G.

V2 Viper S is equipped with 8-core processor, Android 6.0 Marshmallow and 3GB of RAM and 32GB of Flash memory. With special memory card slot microSD space for data can be expanded up to 128 GB.

smartphone Screen has a diagonal of 5.5 inches, the main camera offers resolution at 16 MP and the camera for photos selfie has

to ensure the quality of 5 MP. The device supports Dual-SIM, enabling the use of two phone cards simultaneously.

V2 Viper’s costs 1099 rubles, now it can be ordered in pre-order. Deliveries will begin in early November of the current year, then the smartphone has to get wide distribution.

Author: ps

more details: Allview Viper, Allview, Allview smartphone


A new virus on Android makes you to take a picture with proof Virtual Russia

New mobile virus doesn’t steal – the user specifies all the necessary data. Making a selfie!

Company McAfee warns of a new version of the virus, known under the name Acecard or Torec. Malware attacking applications in which we provide payments. To enter, maybe because of the negligence of the user who downloads games or programs from unofficial sources. The virus then could a plugin or codec, which, allegedly, we can see some material. Thus, to install malicious software.

Virus selfie

After installation, some applications may report the change of payment method. And, in particular, transaction need to confirm, making a selfie, holding the identity document. Virus asks to take picture of the evidence and on such details as data associated with payment cards or passwords. In short, the user must specify all possible private data. The game includes not only credit cards, but also, for example, social security number, which can be used for the taking of the loan. Moreover, the cyber criminals get a photo-proof.

"Who would believe it?" hard question. Contrary to popular belief, the new technique

is not so meaningless. For example, Mastercard is introducing in Europe the payment of a selfie. This type of operation is gradually becoming popular. The unconscious user may think that the app he uses, just became more modern, so suspecting nothing, he would give information to criminals. Mastercard argues that the self, by 2020, will replace the traditional passwords, such scams can be more.

How to avoid a new virus?

Sleep tight can those who download apps only from official sources and from real producers. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, a good example was the Premier of Pokemon Go. A popular game was available in Poland, so everyone should download themselves. It was used by the attackers, who quickly admitted to a counterfeit Internet programs. Thus, by his own negligence, you could lose a lot of money.



Załogowa the longest space flight in history of China

Spacecraft Shenzhou 11 was launched from the Jiuquan spaceport in the Gobi desert, about 1,600 kilometres North-West of Beijing. The mission has begun. 7.30 am local time (1.30 h in Poland).

Astronauts in the next two days must find in the space lab Tiangong-2, which means “heavenly Palace”. The module is part of was built according to Chinese manned space station. Astronauts will perform in space a month, the longest in the history of Chinese manned spaceflight. Flew in space Cheng Dong Jing Haipeng. The latter is the commander of the ship, and the earth having celebrated its 50. birthday.

the development of the space program is a priority of the Chinese authorities. During his stay in Space, astronauts need to conduct a series of

experiments. Among them there are also suggested that Hong Kong students. The astronauts will check, in particular, as in space develop silkworms.

In 2021, the State Inside wants to send a probe to Mars, and three years later to send to the moon manned spacecraft.

See what he looked like at the time of launch of Chinese spacecraft Shenzhou 11.



Vensmile K8: flexible keyboard with built-in computer – Gadzeto Mania

the Creativity of manufacturers never ceases to amaze. After computers in the form of a stick, and the time per unit integrated with zwijaną keyboard. Is there such a idea of mobility has a chance of success?

  1. What are the dimensions Vensmile K8?
  2. has a 4-core Intel processor?
  3. How you can expand its memory data?
  4. offers digital and analog video outputs?

Another attempt creative miniaturization

Vensmile Company has been operating since 2003 and already has in the asset a miniature computer the size of a portable external hard disk 2.5". This time decided to present a device which does not require connection any additional devices (in addition to the monitor, of course).

Vensmile K8 is roulette, flexible and spill-resistant keyboard, which is block number has a built-in computer. On its upper surface is a touch panel, and the right and upper side-ports for possible accessories. All has a size of 385 × 120 × 15 mm and a weight of 277 grams.

Intel PROCESSOR and plenty of connections

The computer uses a Quad-core Intel Atom Cherry Trail series, model X5-Z8300 about native frequency 1.44 GHz and 1.84 GHz in Turbo mode. It supports 4 GB RAM technology

DDR3, and the data assigned to 64 GB of memory eMMC. Space is, we can further extend the memory card microSD up to 32 GB.

a Vast touch panel recognizes 10 pressure points, and among is used in K8 there are ports USB 2.0, USB 3.0, HDMI version 1.4 (4K max), VGA (1080p max), card reader and headphone Jack. The computer is equipped with two zone display wi-fi 802.11 b / g / n, bluetooth 4.0 and a microphone. Complete with pre-installed Home Windows 10 (64-bit).

an Interesting product of the mysterious future

kit priced at 199.99 dollars, except Vensmile K8 buyers will receive the necessary power adapter and HDMI cable. Thus, it only remains to find a monitor, TV or projector, to create a multi-function computer for the simplest of tasks.

the biggest advantage over the K8 in computers, even if the flash drive is an effective combination of the main unit, keyboard and mouse in one device. In addition, with a pre-installed system is immediately ready to work, and after delivery, located in the pocket. The disadvantage is, in turn, need to provide, respectively, hard base.

At this stage it is difficult to determine whether such a device would remain exotic or interesting a good prognostykiem further development of mobile and handheld. In all likelihood, is interesting perspective on mobility and give example of courage in the creation of the product. Vensmile K8 pre-sale has already started and delivery will start on October 24.

Source: materials of press releases, Vensmile
