Little me is so frustrating as a washing machine spacerująca in the bathroom during the spin cycle. Standard drive with the engine with belt cuneiform and brushes, also has a tendency to crash. It seems that LG for some time already has a solution to this problem – the system Direct Drive. The engine here is in the same axis as the drum of the washing machine, which not only reduces walking, but also noise and energy consumption.
Computer in the bathroom
I have the impression that modern washing machines are starting to catch up with the cars by the number of innovative technologies. An example may serve the function TurboWash, which allows you to cut a full wash cycle through 59 minutes while saving electricity (15%) and water (to 40%). The secret lies in a special spray of water acting directly on the fabric for about 120 seconds.
source: press releases
in turn, system 6 Motion, which consists of 6 movements of the drum (pełnoobrotowy, filtration, intensive half turn, swinging, switching, removal) increases the efficiency of cleaning while maintaining sensitivity to relatively less resistant to washing in the washing machine the fabric. Zapominalskim useful is the pause function and dorzucania clothes in the washing process. Due to the backward tilt of the axis of the drum, the water which is in the middle, after opening the door, not to get out.
Washing machine, smartphone, dwa bratanki
Washing machine LG 6 Motion work together with smartphones through the LG Smart Laundry app. The device has an NFC tag that when the phone application is activated additional functions. The smartphone will also serve for diagnostic (Smart Diagnosis) and in contact with the service will receive, removed from the machine a package of information about its status. In addition to 10 wash programs the LG Smart Laundry manufacturer has also provided the ability to download and install the washing machine subsequent tens.
source: press releases
How much fun it is?
That was not so colorful, below is a brief price list of washing machines and washing-drying machines LG series 6 Motion:
washing machine with dryer FH4U1JBH6N – 3399 RUB.
Washing machine FH4U1JBS6 – 3399 RUB.
Washing machine FH4U1JBS2 – 3499 RUB
washing machine with dryer FH2U2HDM1N – 2649 RUB.

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