Tuesday, October 11, 2016

3D printers for the home to buy in the hypermarkets – Gazeta.pl

3D Printer Skriware must be designed for the home user, so its operation is simplified. Hence used in it solutions such as “press and printing” that is printing 3D models with one click. Earlier drafts of the load from the platform Skrimarket.com and are sent to the printer via Wi-Fi.

History Skriware started from the success of the campaign on the website Kickstarter. We managed to raise money not only for the printer itself, but also the previously mentioned platform with 3D models. Skrimarket.com focused on developers who can make money on their projects, and for beginners wishing to improve knowledge about the technology of 3D printing.

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“Boeing” in the Guinness Book of Records. They are printed on a 3D something really big

3D Printer Skriware available in the network of hypermarkets “Auchan” is 3680 RUB (discount price until end of October). Possible purchase of equipment in installments. Each copy contains a coil filamentu for 3D printing.

See also VIDEO: Google Alo. Communicator on steroids


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