• the Prize was awarded for the synthesis of molecular machines
• the Laureates will receive eight million Swedish kronor, or about 3.5 million rubles, which is divided evenly
• Nobel in chemistry awarded since 1901
• In 1911, the award was given to Maria Sklodowska-Curie
the names of the winners announced in Stockholm the Nobel Committee. Sauvage, Stoddart and Feringa will share equally the prize of 8 million Swedish kronor (about 850 thousand euros).
molecular Machines, which had been worked Noblem awarded to chemistry scientists, “is likely to be used in the development of new materials, sensors and energy storage system”, she said in the explanation of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Beginning of nanotechnology has given 50 years. The twentieth century, lecture by Richard P. Feynman “there’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” (in free translation – “down There, still a lot of places.” Imagining how to fit a 24-volume encyclopedia Britannica on łebku pins, Feynman introduced the concept of miniaturization and the possibility, which consists in the use of technology operującej level nanometrowym (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter). It is, for example, the construction of miniature, samopowielających nanomaszyn themselves (as is proved by the existence of bacteria, viruses or cells of our body, it’s like the most real).
As noted by members of the Academy, Sauvage made the first breakthrough in 1983, when he combined the two molecules in the form of a ring in the chain. Another step was made by Stoddart in 1991, nawlekając a ring on the molecular axis. Feringa and first developed a molecular “motor” in 1999.
experts believe that from the point of view of qualifications molecular motors are on the same level as the motors in the 30-ies. XIX century. Built electric cars barely revolved, it seemed, interestingly, nobody thought that in the future will be everywhere, will drive
Sauvage (71) Emeritus Professor of the University of Strasbourg and Director of ds research in the French CNRS. Stoddart (74), Professor of chemistry at northwestern University in Evanston (Illinois, USA). Feringa (65) is a Professor of organic chemistry at the Dutch University of Groningen.
last year the award was received by: the Swede Tomas Lindahl, American Paul Modrich and Turks Aziz Sancar for the study of the process of reproduction of cells, the damaged DNA strands.
Reward 115 years
Nobel in chemistry awarded since 1901. The first winner was Dutchman Jacob Henricus van ‘t Hoff. Awarded him for the discovery of laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.
Among the Nobel laureates in chemistry is dominated by scholars from the United States of America. Most of the recipients – approximately 30 laureates were awarded for contribution in the field of organic chemistry. Two winners from Germany – Richard Kuhn in 1938 and Adolph Friedrich Johann Butenandt in 1939 – could not accept the award because rebuked that the government of the Third Reich. At a later period they received, however, noblowskie medals and diplomas, but not the already paid amounts of money.
the Only scientist who has received this award twice was a British scientist Frederick Sanger in 1958 and 1980. Eight time the prize was not awarded because of lack of a suitable candidate or fighting.
In the history of the Nobel Prize in chemistry, four times this award was received by women: Maria Sklodowska-Curie in 1911 Irene Joliot-Curie, daughter of the Polish scientist, in 1935, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin in 1964 Tom and Ada Yonath in 2009.

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