Friday, October 7, 2016

ARKTIKA.1 – the authors of a series of Metro working on fighter VR –

In mid-September the famous series Metro Studio 4A Games has published two images that are fragments of screenshots from this project. Now he was finally officially announced as ARKTIKA.1. Under this name hides a shooter designed specifically for virtual reality technology, which will be released in the second quarter of next year. the Project is created only for the Oculus Rift and will require for the operation of the controllers, Oculus Touch. We don’t know whether it’s permanent makeup business, that too after some time will come to other VR platforms.

the  Game will be released next year. - ARKTIKA.1 - the  authors of a series of Metro working on fighter VR  - message - 2016-10-07

the Game will be released next year.

the Authors intend to stay in climates postapokaliptycznych, but running in them visions of the future, like Apocalypse very different from what we could see in a series of Metro. The action game will unfold in the early XXII century, several decades after the onset of a new ice age. In those days human civilization is limited mostly, to regions quite close to the equator, which are the only places where the temperature allows as normal the existence of large groups of survivors.

at the same time, mankind has not abandoned the rest of the regions in the North and the South. All of them are, indeed, rich natural resources and a small group of people are in different skutych ice areas for the

exploitation of these deposits. During the game embodied in the soldier used for the defense of the colony, stationed on the territory of today’s Russia.

during the game, we encounter bandits and agents, adopted by competing factions and strange monsters that came along with the era period. Gameplay will be focused on the fight and mechanics will be developed from scratch, with the idea of the controllers, Oculus Touch that allows players to use, for example, of two guns and the accuracy of each of them separately.

the Authors promise that ARKTIKA.1 will offer a new level of immersion and one of the best lamps, graphics which so far we have seen in VR games. Knowing the previous achievements of the team, we hope sooner or later to make sure this will also individuals that use technology other than the Oculus Rift.

it Should finally be recalled that ARKTIKA.1 not the only project that is currently 4A Games. A few months ago, the Studio staff said that working in parallel on two games and the second one is still unsolved. Rumors, however, suggest that it may be another game in the series Metro.

  1. 4A Games – official site


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