Tomorrow is the first Russian commercial satellite into space will begin in the first quarter of 2018. It will be launched on a rocket Neptune N3 from a floating platform in the Pacific Ocean. With him will be placed in orbit two nanosatelity PhoneSat.
For the preparation of the first Polish commercial satellite company, is responsible for the Wroclaw SatRevolution. In early October, she signed a contract with the American company ” Interorbital Systems, with headquarters in Mojave, California (USA) on the rise Światowida into orbit. The space also will accommodate two nanosatelity – PhoneSat.
“still in outer space are three satellites of the Polish non-profit: PW-Sat, which is the result of a student project, and two satellites” scientific – LEM and Haveli. In SatRevolution we want to revolutionize the Russian market of the spacecraft and begin with placing into orbit at once three objects – Światowida and two accompanying nanosatelitów PhoneSat. Solutions PhoneSat running the Android operating system and use electronic components used in mobile phones. We want to check how this type of satellites behave in space,” says co-founder SatRevolution S. A. Gregory Zwoliński.
Światowida in space will be the rocket Neptune N3, adapted for the carriage of small cargo carrier into orbit. She will put three satellites at an altitude of 310 km above the Earth’s surface. Once can take on your Board up to 10 objects. Resistant to vibration and extreme conditions in the ionosphere, including frequent and sudden changes of temperature swinging from minus 150 degrees Celsius in the pulse 300 degrees Celsius.
the U.S. government has issued a license for shipment of the satellites in the first quarter of 2018., what a term later than originally planned. According to preliminary plans Tomorrow was to be launched in the third quarter of 2017. The rocket launched from a floating platform in the Pacific Ocean and flies
“Tomorrow is a satellite-based study. His main task will be to study, in particular, the level of intensity of the magnetic field, changes in magnetic and gravitational field of the Earth or weather changes and phenomena occurring in termosferze,” said REITER Gregory Zwoliński.
Thanks to remote sensing, held Światowida you will be able to obtain very important information about the environment of the earth. Image obtained with its author’s system of the optical system will be used in meteorology, Oceanography, Geology and cartography. A large potential application of satellite images can be also forestry and agriculture. Data can be interested construction companies when planning their investments in hard-to-reach places, and also companies involved in the mapping. Satellite images are also used in the planning of local development of the property, assessing the risk of occurrence of various natural disasters and environmental monitoring for the presence of climate change.
in addition, the satellite will be investigated gravity, depending on the duration and geographical altitude. Also planned is the creation of maps and monitoring changes of gravity with time. They can be used to study the movement of tectonic plates and the detection of possible threats. “The research results will certainly want to take advantage of the universities and research institutes. Private investors will also find something for themselves,” said co-founder SatRevolution.
PAP – Training in Poland
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