Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Prime Minister made the decision. We are talking about the price of water – a Virtual Russia

there will be No increase of water charges for consumers and entrepreneurs. Will be applied are the same as in 2016, said the official representative of the government of Rafael Loaf after a meeting of the Council of Ministers, which is expected, in particular, the draft Law of the water.

- in accordance with the personal decision of the Prime Minister there will be no increases in water fees will apply same rates as in 2016. – for entrepreneurs and consumers, said Loaf.

on Tuesday the government had dealt with the draft law, the Law on water, which causes a lot of protests and disputes. The new law was supposed to cause the water to pay more to farmers, water utilities and energy sectors, as well as producers of drinks and other goods that use large amounts of water. The increase in water charges was to feel households in Poland.

- it is Not that we cannot tolerate a rate hike. But the fact that is so necessary for the Polish economy and budget, the sector is not treated fairly. It is sufficient to compare the proposed rates with the manufacturers of other products. In their case it is less than 1 UAH per cubic meter of water, more than 8 rubles – said Andrew Highcock, President of the brewing company.

At a high cost complained also Krzysztof Pawiński, co-founder of the largest in Poland, the food industry concern Maspex.

By the time of giving this message (REUTERS was unable to obtain review of the Agency Wednesday on the issue.

in accordance with the draft law, which entered Tuesday’s meeting of the Council of Ministers, depending on the size of the agglomeration, the rate of water charges were to vary from 15 (in settlements to 50 thousand inhabitants) to 40 cents per cubic meter of water from surface or underground. According to the analysis of the Department of the environment, the increase in water charges for family of four had to average from 2 to 2.5 USD per month.

the Project also included the fee increase for farmers, industry or the energy industry.

in accordance with the criteria that widely serves

the interests of industry had to pay 70 cents for the consumption of one cubic meter of water from underground.. and 30 cents for consumption of cubic meters.. surface water. Resort environment, wanted to similar charges related industry napojowej, that is 70 g for consumption of underground water and 35 ml for surface water; the project was supposed to be 70 cents.

Charges were to bear some farmers taking more than 5 thousand. liters of water per day (średniorocznie). According to the preliminary project, the stakes had to be 30 cents for one cubic meters of extracted ground water and 15 g or more per cubic meters taken from the surface of the water. Field irrigation by means of pumps should be covered by a rate of 15 cents per cubic meter. abstracted groundwater.

Treks had to touch also the breeders of the fish. The project envisaged that the rates will be for ponds (from 1 to 1.5 rubles per hectare of pond, on a quarterly basis), to production using groundwater from 100 to 125 rubles per quarter.

In case of energy the project involved, in particular 70 g per meter cube. the difference between the amount of groundwater taken for this purpose and quantity of water from cooling circuits of power plants or CHP – input to the water or land; 0,35 Euro per 1 cubic meter. the difference between the amount of surface water taken for those purposes and the quantity of water from cooling circuits of power plants.

the Project involved also creation of the Commission “lost water”. Base rate of duty was to be in year 1 PLN per square meter. the asphalt surface. Should be, but they are ten times less if the local authority lead will be investment, associated with fluid retention.


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