Monday, October 10, 2016

Phones Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and then explode. This may be the end of this brand

This is a very hot autumn for the Korean company. It all started in late August of this year, when there were reports from all over the world that the battery in Note 7 explodes. Although the company naliczyła approx. 35 cases, decided to stop selling and moving program of replacement of all sold lots of iPhone.

it seems that the crisis has already passed. Samsung has announced 3 Nov resume sales note’d and 7. It was enough for a few days, so there are new reports that the new devices battery problems still exist, and y note’d explode. One of them caught fire on 5 November on Board the aircraft company Southwest Airline.

At the moment, Samsung has not publicly addressed this situation, but some sources indicate that the company may even discontinue the sale and production of s note’d.

This may be the only way for Koreans to rescue this brand. When after the first reports of exploding note’d Oh, the airlines started to ban the use of these devices on Board the aircraft, he was extremely Agency blow in customer confidence in the security of these phones.

Samsung great score, which by some estimates exceeds $ 1 billion, started the program of replacement of equipment. However, something went wrong, since there new phones again appeared defective model. A repetition of the same mistakes Samsung can be expensive. Now the American telecommunication companies to stop the sale of these phones, and for them, likely others will follow.

class="art_paragraph">not yet seen sharp movements in the stock market though as in the USA and in the UK and Korea, Samsung has made drops. But it’s not the cost of the stock Samsung should at this moment worry, but about restoring the trust of its users. The mere fact wybuchania battery them strongly violated, but that the new party has a problem with that, you can press note’d patch the SARS threat. It would mean really the end of this brand.

We asked for comments on this issue to the Polish branch of Samsung. As soon as I get a reply, just publish.

[Update] we Received an official comment from a spokesperson at Samsung Russia, Lord Olaf Krynickiego:

At the moment we adapt the production schedule Note 7. This will give us the opportunity to take additional measures to ensure quality and safety.

At the moment, so don’t have any official confirmation directly that production of the Note 7 will be completely suspended. We can probably expect a cessation of sales and further improving security phones Galaxy Note 7. As soon as we have more information, about this report.


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