Monday, October 10, 2016

Samsung suspends Galaxy Note, and 7 – what’s next? – Pay’s Web

the Situation connected with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 appears to do more and more complicated. The company did everything to extinguish the fire, but latest reports suggest that it was not possible to do in such measurement, as originally anticipated.

a Chronological record of major events:

  • 2 Aug – during 2016 Unpacked Samsung presents the Galaxy Note 7;
  • August 16 – moves presale Galaxy Note, and 7 in Poland;
  • the same day there are the first reviews and reviews, including our first impressions;
  • August 24-28 – the first, sporadic and unconfirmed reports of exploding batteries in the 7 Ah note’d;
  • August 28 – we published our review of the Samsung Galaxy Note phone 7 – the smartphone collects the positive reviews, but there are drawbacks;
  • September 2 – Samsung, looks like an official message: all instances of for exchange;
  • on the same day you receive our interview with Olaf Krynickim, press attache Samsung Poland;
  • September 7 – Poland launched a program to replace phones Galalxy Note 7 on new or model Galaxy S7 edge, step 1: you can donate old phones;
  • on the same day you receive my article, which as you would anticipate that the real story is yet to come;
  • September 12 – display the information about the prohibition of flights with the Galaxy note’d em 7, who later confirmed quickly;
  • September 19 – Poland launched a program to replace the note’d ov 7 on a new or on Edge S7, step can get a new cell phone;
  • September 30 Samsung has promised that when the Note 7 will be back on sale in Poland;
  • October 5 – there are unconfirmed reports that contains Galaxy Note 7 showed up on the Board. Samsung informed us that it will be investigated the case;
  • October 10 Reuters reports that Samsung stops production of Galaxy Note 7 models;

What’s next Samsungiem Galaxy Note 7 – the optimistic scenario

from a conversation With the Samsung representative that was held a few days ago, I know the company tried very hard to confirm or deny whether the phone which caught fire on 5 November on Board the aircraft actually was Samsungiem Galaxy Note 7. Because, despite the media storm that probably doesn’t surprise anyone – instantly exploded, it was not even confident that the model really was what all was offered.

Today there is still no official confirmation that it was a Note 7, but the information which reaches from Reuters suggests that something with the new Galaxy Note ami 7 may not be as it should be. And while Reuters says directly that the message about the suspension of the release of the latest Samsung models were rated South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency, which refers to uncertain the closer the source, and that the cessation of production of the Samsung has to be temporary, it… many have considered the sentence: all over note’d and 7.

it should not be. It is possible that the company just wants to explore and maybe in time – if not too late – to eliminate the risks associated with a message that a new batch of smartphones Galaxy Note 7 has created some


Samsung has issued this year has already been one, unimaginably huge error image, and if it turned out that the faulty phones, in fact, traded for the next faulty device, it could mean serious and it is difficult to assess the impact.

it is Possible, therefore, that we are dealing with preventive action, which should give Samsungowi a little time necessary to check the messages, supposedly new, security mobile is not safe.

If it turns out that we are dealing with false alarms, then the company must quickly return to the release note’d and 7, although it is difficult to delude ourselves that the existing problems and the scandal will not affect the sales of this model. Will have, and it’s probably huge.

a pity, because the Galaxy Note 7 is one of the best smartphones of this year, and for many users, is by far the best, in terms of specifications and capabilities.

What’s next Samsungiem Galaxy Note 7 – pessimistic scenario

If confirmed, the latest information about the explosion note’d and 7 in the plane, and if confirmed recent report from the USA says about the new smartphone (secure copy, is contained at the end of last month), which seems to be burnt when not connected to the charger, then we can say… Samsung in the ass.

replacement Program defective Note' that the 7th is not over, not all users received the new smartphones, and the latest news show that we need another programme of exchange of faulty devices.

– I’m Afraid what it is, but without meaning. If there is confirmed information that the new smartphones are still a threat, Samsung should as soon as possible to end this farce is to cancel the model 7 Note, completely closing the trade and to return all customer money to pay compensation, received from consumers ‘ smartphones to explode somewhere on the ground in Drawsku Moscow.

frankly, now Note 7 is the model which, even for free I wouldn’t. I can not imagine that such arrangements could leave the house, I don’t imagine that I could charge in the car when I travel with the family on the road fast motion. I like the adrenaline, but without exaggeration.

If it is confirmed information that new instances continues to explode, it will say more – I would not Note, and 7 even if Samsung paid for its use.

With all this, I feel a bit sorry Samsung because Note 7 is, on the one hand, the best smartphone on the market, and on the other… this is the biggest failure Samsung since caught up with Apple. Well… it’s a deadly race with the iPhone, and seem to be the cause of the failure. Samsung has ramped up production, he began to spend two flagowce of the year, and, in principle, it is even three (S7, S7 Edge and Note 7) and… did not survive.

they Raced to the finish, being in the position of leader, but suddenly the engine of his car exploded.


Watch now: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – repair smartphone but not without flaws



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