Wednesday, August 17, 2016

25 years ago he began to internet in Poland. At the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw – Gazeta Wyborcza

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                          Internet in  Poland started & # x105; & # x142; a  & # x119; the Department of Physics,  University of Warsaw

Internet in Poland began at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (123RF)



Polish internet began his career a quarter century ago from an e-mail sent from the Department of Physics, University of Warsaw. Today it is already in the bags and pockets of the majority of Poles.





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Polish internet celebrates today a beautiful anniversary: ​​Aug 17, 1991 with the pavilion in front of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (FUW) Street. Hoża 69 in Warsaw was sent to the laboratory DESY in Hamburg short but historical e-mail.

It was not the first Polish e-mail at all. Previously using them communicated with in the framework of a more or less wide area networks, but the connection in August 1991, however, was exceptional. Implemented them in full by a TCP / IP link, albeit shared with an international network EARN / BITNET, but summarized already by the principles of modern web.

- At the time, connected with the world can be implemented using multiple networks. The choice of the Internet with its TCP / IP was not obvious. For me the key features of the Internet were the widely available and free specifications, not to mention the fact that there was also at that time open source TCP / IP stack. Besides, then the internet was very ... democratic creation: enough to lease a link to a friend and our two networks already formed - small because the small, but the truest - Internet - says Rafał Pietrak, which the Department of Physics, University of Warsaw was responsible for the set up and test the Internet connection.

the historical transmission took place via modem (the standard) capacity of 9600 bits per second, or a rate of several thousand times smaller than a typical modern home Internet connections.

- Today the mail in any corner of the world you can write and send in a few seconds. We had to install the hardware and all the software from scratch. We have already had admittedly a lot of experience with TCP / IP, which in two years has acted internal network of the Department of Physics, but after receiving access to the link to Copenhagen to prepare for a first exchange of e-mails and so took us about a week - says Marcin Gromisz of the Center for Computational FUW.

the Internet is a perfect example of how complex scientific problems lead to changes that we use after all. Work on the military network ARPANET, which became the beginning of the Civil Internet, launched the US Advanced Research Projects Agency in the Area Defense (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, in short DARPA) in 1967. Soon after, co-financed work on TCP / IP, which is to today used for data transmission on the Internet. In turn, the most popular contemporary Internet service internet or World Wide Web, born at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva.

In Poland, the growth of the Internet has forced physics, namely the need to work in large teams, gathering hundreds and thousands of high-class specialists from many countries and continents. To ensure a smooth long-term cooperation of scientists scattered around the world, it was necessary to develop a new way of communication enabling quick and effective exchange of information. He became just the internet.

Internet over the years, gradually changed: a tool for a handful of specialists has become a service used by millions. According to the CBOS last year benefited from it regularly approx. 96 per cent. Poles aged 18-34 and 86 per cent. aged 34-44 years, and the entire population of adult Poles Internet uses 65 percent. Weekly average Polish Internet user spends online 13 hours. Every second adult Pole made at least one online purchase, 44 percent. use e-banking, and 35 per cent. read newspapers online. Who would have thought that it was all thanks to physicists?



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Comments (4)


                                 I had the privilege to study physics / astronomy at Hoza :-)







                                 In Poland approx. 45 years ago, we managed to destroy production implementation minicomputer
    K-202. Almost exactly 35 years ago (12 August 1981). IBM introduced the world's first PC (personal computer) called in Poland "Personal Computer" - and it stuck. Computers similar to the first can be seen on American films from the 80s first external storage were the magnetic tape, then 5-inch drives, and finally a revelation - 3.5-inch floppy disk with a capacity of 1.44 MB.
    Today the computer is on your smartphone, the Internet connects to the whole world and vast knowledge of various duperelkach (not always true), flash memory to a computer the size of a briefcase has already exceeded 0.5 TB external flash memory (USB stick) allows record 128 GB data cube is 25 x 12 mm, thickness of 4.5 mm, but not less because it must first fit into the USB port, and second it must be able to grab for something.
    Internet, e-mail mail, VoIP, Skype - are now available everyday even for kids, especially for them.









                                 hmm I started to 96 36kbit modem and post Polbox: D





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