Saturday, October 1, 2016

The unusual mission space probe Rosetta completed – Policy

[the text appears in the POLICY in November 2014.]

the Mission belonging to the European Space Agency(ESA) probe Rosetta combines three very remote in time and space of the event. The first was recorded in Egypt in 196 year. p. n. e. the priests of Memphis placed then on a powerful basalt stele decree having to celebrate the first anniversary of the coronation of Pharaoh Ptolemy V, called Epifanesem. The stele stood in the temple of ISIS at Philae (Philae), in the Nile Delta, near Alexandria. The resolution is written in two languages: staroegipskim, i.e., hieroglyphs, and a letter demotycznym (folk, simple records of Egypt, who was ousted in Egypt, ultimately, the entry of hieroglyphics) and Greek.

the second Event occurred in 1799. on the same island File. During Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, French soldiers reinforced the defensive walls of the Rosetta port in fear of attack by the Turks. The works found a powerful, partially damaged, bazaltowy block carved with the texts. He was named the stone the Rosetta stone. Discovery was transported to France, and there bowed over him Egyptologists trying for many years unsuccessfully to decipher the hieroglyphs. This time was unusual happiness – because Greek was well known, to accurately compare the records of Egyptian with Greek to read the Scriptures, hieroglifowe. Thus, Jean-françois Champollion read the Egyptian Scriptures.


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