In Parliament in October, is expected to be amended in the law is encrypted. The idea supports Witold Kołodziejski. Chairman of the National Council on Television and Radio broadcasting archaic still believes the mandatory registration of each device, radio, and television immediately after purchase.
- Now, consumers are buying online, shops, kiosks, radio I have in hours, phone – nobody thinks about how to go and register, so it is completely obsolete and outdated record – says Witold Kołodziejski.
according to the Chairman of KRRiT, the presumption that in any economy there is a receiver, which allows you to receive radio and television, including stations, published on the Internet, will allow for the effective execution of the subscription.
According to the Council of the rtv subscription last year were paid in the period of just over a million households and 13.5 million households, was receivers had more than 6.5 million, half of which was exempt. (IAR)
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September 7, it was reported: rtv Subscription – the new idea of “Manneken Pis” is absurd
After the fiasco of the idea of the universal contributions of audiovisual time on a new idea of how to reform media and to provide money for TVP and Polish Radio. It seems as ridiculous as the previous one.
Ideas on sealing the subscription is not only Krzysztof Czabański, former Deputy Minister of culture responsible for the reform, and now the head of the National Media, but Jacek Station, which after some time will be to fight for the preservation of the seat of the Chairman of TVP in the competition. How we betrayed the company has developed document o applicable law. Just znowelizować existing law subscription fees, namely, to divert the source of the obligation of the payer. Now it is formed by the voluntary act of registration of the receiver. We forsujemy automatic assumption that every household has a receiver, – explains the Chairman of the Board of TVP.
according to Jacek Station, the document is ready. But doesn’t want to show it. Provides for the fact that TVP does not mix policies and legislation, but merely serves as a Board because there are competent lawyers and private interest in this. This year the company expects holes in the amount of 200 million rubles. Also decided to issue bonds worth 300 million rubles for the salvation of liquidity.
Despite mizerii financial plans large. From our data it follows that the company has submitted to the Council program budget for 2017, which is almost 1 billion more than this year and will amount to 2.5 billion rubles. shortened by strikes from subscriptions, and the expected decline in revenue from advertising TVP is a completely unrealistic amount.
Krzysztof Czabański when asked about whether he had seen the law Kurskiego, admits that the deputies involved in the media laws, as well as electronic representatives met with the lawyers TVP, but the document no.
” well, no idea if Kurskiego TVP, because wandering for a long time. The thing, however, in the database. You need to create a universal, and not as part of the survey of households, ” explains Czabański. Polish post is, for the base farms whose owners have registered in the past, the receiver. 14.1 million households last year was only 6.7 million, of which almost half was to be zwolnieniom from paying
subscription fees. What about the rest? The station has on this decision. About 10 million households are clients of satellite platforms and kablówek. Hard to imagine that somebody pays a subscription to UPC or Digital Polsat in the house instead of watching TV is the window frame. The law provides for the obligation of the pass through operators kablówek and satellite platforms databases of their customers the Polish post, which will be responsible for download free subscription, ” he says, Station.
the fact that such actions can harm the subscription on the protection of personal data.
Companies will not give us the database. We are considering, in which the collector of the subscription fee, i.e. Mail, you can make for these companies the question is whether you want Ivan Petrov Pcimia listed explains, in turn, Czabański. More real – in his opinion – it is also a plan to create a database using postman, which will assign the specific addresses of these people. Czabański adds that it considers the abolition of the exception for those who do not pay still subscription.
there are Problems, and the political will to change and social resistance.
the Station claims that it is a question aksjologii. – There can be no question of the new and existing debt, only sealed. Real, not fictional. In addition, reduced in relation to the existing. Instead of 23.5 PLN per month we have to pay 12-15 UAH. It should also be borne in mind that subscription radio and TV is not a privilege, how are our competitors. It is in vain to compensate for the enormous benefits which have TVN and Polsat results from the download of subscription commercial use. We’re talking about rates of 12-15 PLN, while the median pass, which millions of Poles in the nc+ Polsat or Digital is 50 UAH. It bets that start from 19 rubles, and the Windows even 250 roubles a month, – the Chairman of TVP.
Formally, the works of all laws telepaths led by the head of the parliamentary Committee on culture Elizabeth crow. But we know that media reform is a speculator Czabańskiego. The station is included so that in the field hitherto reserved for the chief of the RMN. Both gentlemen are on opposite sides of a political dispute about state-owned media, which lasts in peace. Its highlight was the attempt of the President’s address on TV. Before the competition for the post attempt of the forces of different factions. Our information suggests that last week a ban on invitations Czabańskiego in TVP was to spend at the Board by the head of TAI Peter Mochin, but when the matter of interest in the media, quickly to be abandoned. – Complete idiocy – denied in an interview with us on Thursday.
the Competition for the chair TVP was announced last week. On the stock exchange the names of potential candidates, including Krzysztof Skowrońskiego, chief SDP, and Przemyslaw Tejkowskiego, who now serves on the Board of Directors of TVP.
Barbara Sova, DzGP” 7.9.2016