Friday, September 23, 2016

Record breaking Yahoo. Leaked data of 500 million people – the Republic

According to analysts, it was probably the largest of this type of hacking in the history of the Internet. The Yahoo executives suspect that the attack, which occurred at the end of 2014 could be organized by any state.

In the hands of the hackers got user names, their birth dates, email addresses, telephone numbers, encrypted passwords as well as questions and answers auxiliary, which serve to validate the user.

Yahoo ensures that criminals are not captured unprotected passwords or information about Bank accounts or payment cards.

Yahoo recommends that users who had not changed the password from 2014 as soon as possible has done, but also to with a their questions, support. Moreover, the hacker who uses the nickname Peace, can boast that it has in it information from 200 million user accounts, and Yahoo is

trying to sell them online.

According to analysts, the information about the attack suggests that the company is unable to cope best. The most worried are the investors of the concern.

Yahoo was captured by another American giant Verizon for $ 4.8 billion. The deal hasn’t been completed. However, Verizon assures that does not intend to abandon the acquisition of search, solutions, communications, as well as units associated with production of content and advertising business for Yahoo.


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