Wednesday, September 28, 2016

“Ambition – the epilogue” – the film reminds the Poles that one of the most ambitious space missions just ends – Virtual Russia

Studio Platige Image/the Fish Ladder for the European Space Agency has created a film to remind people that space exploration continues. The short film revolves around the Rosetta mission, which was to send a probe to the surface of the comet.

the Rosetta Mission was launched in 2004. 12 years ago, shot into space probe whose purpose was to catch up with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and landing on its surface. This is one of the most ambitious space missions ever conducted. And – crucially-a mission successful. Perhaps you remember that then also Platige Image by order of ESA (European Space Agency) has created a film called “Ambition”.

Now the Rosetta mission is about to end, September 30, the probe will be deposited on the surface of the comet and will be disabled. And the comet will move away from the Sun and to return to our neighborhood that 6.5 years.

On this occasion, ESA ordered from Platige Image and their creative Agency – Fish Ladder – a new film. There it was the same girl

who is in “Ambition” played the role of schoolgirl. Today, however, the master, and she sails the cosmos. During the visit, he reminds himself of the learning and the Rosetta mission. Returning to the archive.

“directing” Ambitions – epilogue” meets Eugene Jackiewicz. New movie was filmed in Poland, first at the Kampinos Forest, and then in the Palace On the Island in Warsaw Lazienki. But if the first, “Ambition” was a beautiful story of science and perseverance of man, understandable even for inexperienced users, as the epilogue requires knowledge of the topic and explanation.



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