Monday, September 19, 2016

HP blocks archivers printer cartridges?

September 13 this year, thousands of HP printers around the world began to show an error message: “One or more ink cartridges appear to be damaged. Remove them and replace with new deposits. All these cars had one thing in common – their users use non-original cartridges for the printer. As found by the users, the problem began after upgrading the printer software and the problem does not occur if the device was not connected to the network (ie can’t automatically download updates).

the Representatives of HP in an interview with admitted that some of their stuff can actually interfere with the original cartridges. They explain that it is not only about protecting intellectual property for companies-manufacturers of components for replacement, and enhancing the security of the device. Printers have deviations contributions only if several specific models. HP adds that such actions taken by the company in 2015.

moreover, you can re-route used cartridge. The problem only applies to deposits made through other companies.

With the printers, because as with most shaving – the device itself is cheap (often even sold below cost), and consumables (toner cartridges, razor blades) are more expensive, and it is from them, the manufacturer makes a profit. For example, the printer shop HP-the cost of RUB 174 Kit cartridge – 92 UAH. According to some users, cheaper to buy new equipment. The other invests in return – ink cartridges, no different in practice from anything other than the manufacturer and price. For the chosen printer substitutes can be bought for less than 70 rubles.

class="txt_srodtytul">HP in litigation with the Russian companies

In 2012, HP decided to involve heavy judicial work against the mascara manufacturers, accusing them of unfair competition. The Polish company AB Action and quickly agreed to a settlement agreement. As reported by the industry portal both companies have committed to stop selling ink cartridges and to destroy all stocks of products of this type that have not yet reached the market. Company Action also drew HP a portion of the costs associated with the process.” The only Polish company, which did not agree to the deal, was the Wroclaw Black Point. The court a few months temuuznał suit HP , but only partially, and actually, to a small extent, acknowledging in the explanatory Memorandum that in 93 per cent. the charges that apply wrocław, the company has reflected in the evidence. However, the court found some claims and ordered the wrocław company to pay the American giant a little more than 60.5 thousand. rubles.

Is niejedyny problem with the printers. According to some consumer printer is made so that after printing a certain number of pages, programmatically refused further cooperation. The Internet can, however, find a video with the answers, such as blocked printer to reset by pressing the appropriate button on the box with ink, but that’s because it is.


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