Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blow in private universities? One government cut and disappear 300 higher education institutions. Gowin is the plan… –

Jaroslaw Gowin, Minister of science, found a way to quickly and efficiently help transport universities, seeking to get rid of financial problems and the constantly falling number of students. Only in the last decade it fell by half a million. In 2015. the learning in higher education began more than 16 thousand. less than a year earlier.

the Idea of a Minister for the salvation of public institutions is a simple: just limit the possibility wliczania teachers to the so-called minimum staffing for bachelor (profile, practical). Will show only those companies that are for dormitories the first place of employment. Such person will not, so you could “show” the other universities in which the academic, however, teaches classes (and earn), but it’s not his parent unit. Effect? Companies will not be able to brag that you have the personnel in sufficient quantity. This means that first, the elimination of certain areas, and then even the same University.

If all goes according to plan Minister Gowina, the changes will come into force this year. Although it is a two-year period of adaptation.

this New requirement will hurt the private universities and state institution of higher education. – some of them even half of the teachers working on the second working day – lists Peter Humble, the expert of Institute of Higher Education


Pointed matching requirementsand, according to experts, affected even 300 universities. Currently enrolled there are more than 400 thousand. students. the Plan Gowina, and confirm for yourself, then for them Ghost elimination.

On the first fire will go to the weakest place of business – says Professor Jerzy Malec, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Polish Association of Private Employers of Education of the Confederation of Leviathan.

Offer Gowina is a gift for the new academic year for higher education institutions, who have their own state. That is, most of those. Due to the elimination of small centres will go to them and more willing to learn.

the Minister promised that he would do everything to make as soon as possible to eliminate bad universities – public, ” He adds.


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