Sunday, September 25, 2016

This may be the biggest leak in the history of the Internet. 500 million accounts in the hands of hackers Pauk’s Web

Yahoo has officially acknowledged that the company’s servers, the victims of the attack on a planetary scale. Hackers stole account information of more than 500 million users! It may be the largest data breach in Internet history. The company recommends that you immediately change your password.

last night the network got the information that the Yahoo servers were victims of a cyber-attack. Black scenario was confirmed by the company itself, which in an official statement, acknowledged the leak.

half a billion accounts, and maybe even more. The value of the data fell into the hands of hackers.

the Company confirms that the attack took place in 2014. Initially, the company didn’t understand that fell victim to hacking. The investigation began only after the Internet started to get information about the alleged break-ins. A hacker with the nickname Peace reported that available data from 200 million user accounts of Yahoo, and then tried to sell them.

Unfortunately, the attack was not made. Yahoo said that in 2014 wykradziono data from the accounts of at least 500 million users. That scale is unprecedented throughout the history of the Internet. Perhaps we are dealing with the biggest crash in history.

the company’s Management is cooperating with the U.S. government, in order to find the perpetrators. The statement said that, most likely, it was an attack on order… another state.

What actually emerged?

Hackers stole data about the names of users, email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, zahashowane password, and in some cases also safety issues and answers.

Yahoo says

that hackers stole information about payment cards and Bank accounts of users.

If you used Yahoo mail, Flickra or other services of the company, be sure to change your password

Yahoo, it is recommended to immediately change the password for the account if it has not been changed since 2014. The service also recommended monitoring the activity on your account, and also warns against clicking on links from suspicious emails.

the Situation is so complex that today Yahoo is a shadow of himself, and hardly anyone uses the service. In 2014, the popularity was higher. If you (or you still are) a gallery on Flickr, hackers were able to take your sensitive information.

This kind of attack is particularly serious if many services use the same password and the same support questions and answers. Hacking the Yahoo servers may in this case lead to the seizure of accounts in other services.

once again we recommend the protection of basic accounts using two-step verification, thanks to which to enter on a new device requires a one time password sent via SMS. This is the simplest method of protection, which also provides a much higher level of security of your account.


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