Thursday, September 22, 2016

Comes already in 16.21. Greeting of astronomical autumn – Polish Radio

Thursday at 16 o’clock. 21 the Sun passes through the so-called point of Libra (autumnal equinox), and thus begins the astronomical autumn. In the autumn nights you can admire, in particular, swarms of meteors and constellations, such as Pegasus, Orion and the Summer Triangle.

Period from the date of the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice is considered to be of astronomical autumn. during this period, the day is shorter the night, and every day, this difference increases in favor of the night (the Sun sets earlier and rises later and later).

this year the Sun enters the autumnal equinox on September 22. 16.21. Formally, it is the autumnal equinox, but the actual alignment of the length of day and night, will be only 2.5 days later: in the night from 24 to 25 September and the subsequent day will last equally long.

By definition, equinox is the time at which the Sun passes through the point of intersection of the Ecliptic (circle on the celestial sphere, in which, it would seem that the Sun moves, the Ecliptic plane to the plane of Earth’s orbit) with the blue equator (the plane coincides with the turn with the plane of the earth’s equator). There are two such points, the point of Libra (autumnal equinox for the Northern hemisphere) and the point of Aries (the spring equinox for the Northern hemisphere). On the equinox the Sun stands in the Zenith over the equator.

see the constellation

Fall into the sky visible constellations of the four seasons. Still possible in the evening to see the characteristic najcieplejszej time of year the Summer Triangle, which consists of three very bright stars: Deneb in the constellation of Cygnus, VEGA of Lyra and Altair of the eagle.

At the same time, on the horizon shines from the constellation of Arktur Wolarza. Arktur, also called sometimes the Star of the Spring. In turn, after midnight, start ascend the constellation characteristic of the winter sky, for example, a Bull with glowing red Aldebaranem that very distinctive “Orion”, which

the stars are formed in a pattern resembling the silhouette of a man.

It will also be called autumn constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces, Aries. Pretty easy to find, it has to be Pegasus. Its three brightest stars, together with the fourth formal belonging to the constellation of Andromeda, form a rectangle, called the Autumn Square or the Square of Pegasus.

Planet of the autumn

Autumn in the sky visible planets. Saturn is visible soon after sunset, at the end of October will be disappeared behind the horizon an hour after sunset our daytime star. Who is now beside him Mars will in turn go, then.

At the end of September-beginning of October will have a chance to see mercury in the morning sky. The best conditions will be on 29 and 30 September, then it will be wschodził 104 minutes in front of the Sun.

And most of the night visible are Neptune and Uranus. For their observations need binoculars or a telescope. Neptune is currently in the constellation Pisces, and Uranus mentioned in your guide.


swarms of meteors attention Draconids are active from 6 to 10 October. Their radiant is in the constellation of the Dragon, hence the name of the hive (from the Latin name of the constellation). The maximum of the Draconids can be expected in the night from 8 to 9 October. Active will also Orionidów Roy, from October 2 to November 7, and its maximum will occur on the 21st of October then you can expect 15 meteors per hour. In turn, in November (from 10 to 23 November) will actively swarm Leonidów, is associated with the comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle.


(Meteo TVN/x-news. How to strengthen the immune system?)


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