Saturday, September 24, 2016

Youth on 3 days cut off from computer – Russkoe Radio

it Turned out that the study involved the whole family, and suddenly they all had a lot of free time.

the Youth, who had closed in their rooms, she left them and began to speak with parents. The girls found time to talk between us girls with my mom. Some parents showed, not even talking, just for something more profound, that they began to embrace their children, just because they were closer to each other, – said the expert. The experiment showed that many parents do not know how to spend free time with children.

“I don’t want to understand that it is a question of earning bread this time, but easier the experiment took place, the children had support from parents who have Hobbies, and Hobbies,” explains Eugene Dembsky.

the authors of the experiment was given to young men to various tasks. Incidentally, without using the phone and the Internet were to meet in a specific restaurant with friends, and you can get there by public transport. It turned out that young people have trouble reading and finding the schedule for the world is mine, because this information is always searched for on the Internet. In

addition, later during the meeting, others were topics of conversation because mobile phones do not lay on the tables.

Passion helps to live without a computer

Most young people passed the experiment successfully, despite the fact that it was for them that the situation is unhealthy. Happened for the first time in my life.

there were, however, cases of aggression, some are throwing items. Studies have shown that the biggest problem with wytrwaniem electronics had a person without passion. It turned out that the majority of young people, because up to 62 percent use the Internet when bored.

It was flying, but next year, the Fund still want My Departure for a week to cut off Gdynia from the Internet and mobile devices, all class high school and ponadgimnazjalne.



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