Monday, September 26, 2016

Snapchat did… sunglasses. And this may be a shot in the bull’s eye – Virtual Russia

Snapchat is one of the most popular among young people in the Communicator. His strength is mainly in the form of messages that disappear shortly after sending, and the messages themselves-it’s mostly photos and videos. But why in this case Snapchatowi glasses?

do you Remember Google Glass? Google glasses were futuristic, awakened (unfounded) fears about privacy and, in General, ahead of his time. To do this, very briefly worked for one battery and they were very expensive. Google has suspended the project. But now, a similar decision was submitted Snapchat.

Snapchata Glasses not only glasses. Built-in webcam that allows you to turn 10 seconds of video and quickly send it to the app. Google Glass is different from their main feature – points Snapchata good. Don’t catch the eye as something too futuristic and foreign.

Snapchat called your gear Points. To begin recording, press the single button located on the case. Goggles are equipped with wi-fi module and

Bluetooth, so the recorded material can be directly wirelessly sent to the application. Camera used in Spectacles includes a 115 degree field of view. The longest movie that they can record can last 30 seconds.

And why Glasses are a good idea? Due to several reasons:

cost $ 130 (approx. 500 rubles). And sunglasses is much like glasses with a built-in webcam – quite reasonable

– you will save the memories with a new, more realistic point of view

nice. Might be so that both the gadget and the element of the dress code.

however, it is Not known when the Glasses will go on sale.

Joanna Sosnowska


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