Thursday, September 22, 2016

The autumn equinox. Astronomical autumn begins [Google has given Doodle] – Gazeta Pomorska

In the Northern hemisphere the autumnal equinox occurs in the area of 22/23 September (before the equinox) when the Sun passes through the point Weights. In the southern hemisphere, where the seasons they are shifted by six months, the autumnal equinox takes place 20/21 March (March equinox).

the autumnal Equinox (first) – this is the moment in which the Earth exceeds the point in its orbit where the sun’s rays fall at right angles to the equator, and at the same time tangent to the surface at the poles, and from that moment for six months the South pole is closer to the Sun than the North pole (the Sun illuminates more of the southern hemisphere of the Earth).

the name Itself – the equinox took yourself out that at the moment the length of day and night are equal.

Soon the time change. In Poland daylight saving time changes and winter is governed by the ruling of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers dated 5 January 2012. on the

introduction and cancellation of Central European summer time (2012-2016) ” (journal of laws of 2012 No. 0 item 33). In accordance with this decree, the time change from winter to summer and winter time is to change the clock from the hours of 2:00 hour 3:00, which is the start time of daylight saving time the European average. The return of the winter time demands a return of one hour of clock time, i.e., with h 3:00 2:00.

Video: PULSE POLICY odc.3-Professor Andrew Rychard that the party will use the issue of “Manneken Pis”-

source: w24 Studio


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