Friday, September 30, 2016

The brawl at the funeral of “Incas” and “Zagończyka” under the magnifying glass of prosecutors and police – TVP Info

the First of these inquiries will guide the Precinct Prosecutor’s office in Gdansk city Center, – said the press-Secretary of the press service of the Regional Prosecutor’s office in Gdansk Tatiana Pashkevich. This behavior was initiated after the notification made by the Committee for the defence of Democracy and will apply to insult and violation of bodily integrity activists CODE Radomira Szumełdy and May Augustynek.

in turn, the police from the Police in Gdansk under the supervision of the District Prosecutor’s office gdańsk-the city Centre will investigate notification of the Camp, the National-Radical, whose members threw figures of the CODE “malicious concern of the population committing a religious act.”

the Brawl at the funeral

on 28 August during the ceremony of the burial of … “Incas” Siedzikówny and Felix “Zagończyka” Selmanowicza, soldier of the AK and the victims of Stalinist repression, in front of the Basilica of St. Mary in gdańsk appeared kilkunastoosobowa activist group CODE. Came to pulling other gathering of people who were raised, in particular, cries: “Down with komuną”, “Once a sickle, hammer time the red rabble”. CODE-sheep left the area in front of the Church with a police escort.

the next Day after the incident, Radomir Szumełda and May Augustynek has developed in the Gdansk Prosecutor’s office a notice that said that they “were robbed through the group ok. 30 fascists from the Youth Wszechpolskiej and OHP”. According to them, occurred, in particular, for “violation of the inviolability of the person lżenia, humiliation and prevent participation in the activities of the state and worship”.

readability="47.995348837209"> 31 August, representatives of the NRO filed a notice of suspicion of committing a crime, activists of the CODE. Specified in that notice for an article of the penal code that mentions the “malicious przeszkadzaniu of the population committing a religious act.” The representative of ONR Robert Bąkiewicz appreciated that the incident was a provocation by CODE.

Prime Minister Shyla: it was a provocation

Also, according to the Prime Blows with an Awl CODE at the funeral of “Incas” and “Zagończyka” wanted to demonstrate his political activities. – It is regrettable that it came to this confusion, the Prime Minister said. According to her, “it was a provocation”. According to the Minister of internal Affairs and administration Mariusz Błaszczaka activists of the CODE-they have the intention interference of the celebration. The Minister has called their actions a political provocation.

in particular, in response to these reviews, September 4, the streets of Gdansk was held by the CODE March under the slogan “Enough of the dictatorship!”. According to police, the March and termination of its manifestation on the square of Solidarity was attended by about 2 thousand. people. In the protest took part, in particular, Vice-the speaker of the Senate Bogdan Borusewicz and b. Vice-speaker of the house Olga Krzyżanowska.


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