Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fake relics of St. sister Faustina Kowalska, put up for online auction – Virtual Russia

• world auction put relics-blood of the Holy sister Faustina
• This fake – warn sisters of the congregation of the Sisters of our lady of Mercy

with power wants for 2,5 thousand (9 thousand. 547 rbl.) and claims to have a certificate of authenticity issued by the Metropolitan of Cracow. Metropolitan cardinal Stanislaw Jewish. An additional incentive should be a note that this thing is “rare and difficult”. It’s a fake. Relics blood sister Faustina does not exist. Also known certificate. Dziwisza not real, – said the press-Secretary of the Congregation of the sisters of our lady of Mercy in kraków-łagiewniki, sister Elizabeth Sepak. As reported by the Krakow Curia, kardynalska round seal printed on the certificate is not genuine, the cardinal said also stamped her white-spirit with his coat of arms.

Sister found out about it from emails seminarian who noticed the auction on the Internet.

Canon law prohibits trade relics. Sister Faustina Kowalska died in Krakow in 1938. No relics of her blood. As said’s. Sepak, there are times that someone offers other Holy relics, but they are fake. – No one outside of our Congregation has no right to dispose of the relics of the sec. Faustina, she said.

the Relics of St. sister Faustina is sent solely for public worship in the pastoral centers. These first degree – from the bones of St. sister Faustina – the fall in those parishes, churches or chapels of the Church of the mercy of God, of the Merciful Jesus, or of St. sister Faustina, in which is preached the news

of God’s Mercy. Relics of the II degree – the habit of Holy – are transferred to the ward under other calls, which develops the veneration of the divine Mercy and the cult of St. sec. Faustina. Relics of the III degree from the canvas on which rested the bones of the Holy – these are available in laminated pictures, medalikach, różańcach and unable to the faithful in personal worship.

Faustina Kowalska was born in 1905. At the age of 20 she entered the Congregation of the sisters of our lady of Mercy in Warsaw. In 1930, St. Faustina came to the convent in płock, where he was for two years, before leaving for Vilnius. In płock, 22 Feb 1931, in the existing today in the monastery of the congregation of the Sisters of our lady of Mercy, St. Faustina received the first revelation of the Merciful Jesus. Their mystical experiences Faustina wrote in conducted in Vilnius and Cracow in 1934-1938 gg “Diary”. During the stay in the order she had TB. Died October 5, 1938. in Cracow łagiewniki.

April 18, 1993. Pope John Paul II made an act of Faustina beatification, and 30 April 2000. her canonization. Holy relics are in the Shrine of divine Mercy in Krakow-łagiewniki and the sanctuary in Plock.


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