the Mission has brought scientists a lot of new knowledge about comets. The data collected will be used for further research for several years.
As reported by the European Space Agency (ESA) Rosetta will execute a final maneuver on Thursday 22.50 h GMT. This happens at an altitude of about 19 km above the comet. The probe is set on a collision course with a comet.
“Collision” will occur on Friday at 12.40 hours of our time. Isn’t this a spectacular collapse, the objects are touching at the speed corresponding to the quick step of the man.
Mission Rosetta stone
the Probe was shot from Earth on March 2, 2004. 6 August 2014 Rosetta arrives in the vicinity of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and soon began research.
the Probe was accompanied by a comet in the process of transition 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through the perihelion, i.e. the point of the orbit closest to the Sun. Scientists had the opportunity to follow live how the comet behaves in such a situation.
in addition, during the mission, on the comet discovered the ingredients necessary for life in the form of simple amino acids – glycine and phosphorus. They are included in the composition of cell membranes and DNA.
I Found surprising a lot of oxygen, which was the fourth from the point of view of abundance, the gas in the halo of the comet (water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide).
it was also found that the composition izotopowy water on the comet 67P differs from water from the earth’s seas and oceans. The ratio of deuterium to hydrogen in water kometarnej several times more than in the case of water the earth.
of the 11 comets for which was able to make this type of measurement, 67P has the highest ratio of deuterium to hydrogen. According to scientists, this indicates that the place of formation of the comets was much farther
the Result confirmed that questions about the origin of Earth’s water – its source could be the comet?
Bad landing
In the framework of the Rosetta mission took place also landing on the comet nucleus. The probe has released the Philae lander, which on 12 November 2014 has landed on the comet.
According to the construction of the shells, which was equipped with a camera, was attended by Polish scientists from the Space Research Centre PAN and other institutions.
the Device worked less than expected, because it fails sat down in a shady spot, and its solar panels could not provide energy consumable tools industrial quality. Managed, however, to collect scientific data before, after three days have completely lost touch with Philae.
At the beginning of September this year, managed to find the camera. Wypatrzono it on the images of the comet taken me from 2.7 km away.
the Cost of the Rosetta mission amounted to 1.4 billion euros. This amount includes the cost of construction of the probe, scientific instruments, boat, rocket and costs incurred subsequently during the mission.
the Polish Studio Platige Image, prepared for ESA film called “Ambition” by landing Philae on the comet nucleus, at the termination of the mission has also established the second part of the film titled “Ambition – the epilogue:
PAP, kk

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